
This is the repository for the course Natural Language Processing at Asian Institute of Technology. Covers word vectors, spaCy, a bit of genesis, PyTorch, HuggingFace.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Python for Natural Language Processing

This is the repository for the Natural Language Processing at Asian Institute of Technology.

Google slide lectures can be found in: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14x9_-Y_aWysPIZFLaVrZE2ngy2h_beJj?usp=sharing


I would also like to give huge credits to several githubs/web resources that I have revised to create this:

Other (very) useful stuffs to get you started in the excited area of NLP

I would also like to thank students who have contributed:


Code tutorials covering (each lab is 3 hours; 2 labs per week):

  1. Fundamentals

    • Word Vectors - Word2Vec (Naive)
    • Word Vectors - Word2Vec (Negative sampling)
    • Word Vectors - GloVe
    • Window-Based Name Entity Recognition
    • Dependency Parsing
  2. NLP

    • SpaCy
    • SpaCy++
  3. DL

    • Classification
    • Generation
    • Case studies
      • NER
      • QA
      • Language modeling
      • Summarization
      • Coreference resolution
  4. Huggingface

    • Introduction to Huggingface
    • Case studies on summarization, question answering, etc.