

Primary LanguageJava

A vocabulary learning website 背单词网站

Requirements: select a framework to design a website for learning vocabulary

Basic features:

  • User sign-up, login, information collection and verfication (e.g., username and password must have at leat 6 characters; email format verification; username and email must be unique in the system).
  • After login, users can select the word books they want to study (e.g., TOEFL, GRE).
  • Users can keep records of their favorite words.
  • The website should support making study plan, reviewing, doing test and recording progress.
  • The interface should fit the browsers from both PC and mobile phone.

Augmented functions:

  • Implement an Android or iPhone app, supporting off-line services, and could push notifications for the study plan.
  • Has learning ability (adjust the study plan according to the user's pattern).


  1. sql scripts are put under DB.
  2. The crawler is put under WordLists\crawler, which collects word books and generate xml files.
  3. The complete back-end project is put under web/Demo, constructed using SpringMVC. Source code is put under web\Demo\src\main\java\example.
  4. The complete front-end project is put under web/front, constructed using Vue.js + ElementUI. Source code is put under src\components.


  1. DB目录下是初始化table的sql脚本
  2. WordLists\crawler下是java单词书爬虫工程(从有道爬取),同时包括了生成单词书的xml文件的程序
  3. web/Demo下是后端的完整工程,使用SpringMVC架构,源程序全部在web\Demo\src\main\java\example下
  4. web/front下是前端的完整工程,使用Vue.js + ElementUI架构,源程序主要在src\components下
  5. 开发过程前后端分离