Once again, welcome to my personal website. This webpage has been built with the intention of capturing bits and pieces of my research journey and life milestones. It also provides self-learners with a collection of resources and information:

  • Fundenmetnal knowledge about air pollution
  • Effective academic writing & editing tools
  • Technical articles
  • Other resources

More information will be added smoothly, and some sections will be revised. Please feel free to contact through the chatbar on the page bottom right or via email with any comments and suggestions. Please note! +++ This website is currently in development. Please come visit CodeSheep for original resources! +++

这个网站仍在开发中,请访问原作者网站 获取原分享资料.


[2019-2022] Doctoral Research: Street Canyon Studies


Street canyons typically combine to build up a semi-enclosed urban environment with high concentrations of anthropogenic pollutants traaped in side, leading to persistent higher exposure risk for pedestrians near the roadside. Using CFD approaches is, in general, very computational expensive for the study of practical scenarios, expecially when explicit VOC chemical reactions are included. In this work, a multi-box model with a flexible number of boxes and flexible chemical schemes (MBM-FleX) has been developed for air pollution simulations in street canyons. Click here for more information.

城市街道峡谷通常指由街道和其两侧连续建筑所形成的相对密闭、类似自然峡谷的人造都市环境。它是城市表面的基本单元,并随着城市化的发展越来越随处可见。一般来讲,街道峡谷的通风性 较差,当背景风向垂直于街道中轴线时,大气污染物容易在其中累积,使得行人的健康风险上升。流体力学模型能够提供相对准确的气流扩散信息,但当需要纳入化学方案时,此类模型需要的计算资源较高。 因此,VOC自由基化学反应在此前的模拟研究中被较少考虑。基于该背景,我们设计了分辨率可控的二维多箱模型用来模拟街道峡谷中气态污染物的物理化学过程。 该模型性能与大涡模拟的一致性较好,能够反映主要气态污染物如NO2和O3在常规和深街道峡谷中的时间演化和空间变化规律,点击信息了解详情。

NO2 Hotspot and Regulatory Wiggle Room

城市大气化学和物理传输过程对街道峡谷中二氧化氮(NO2)浓度的影响还不完全清楚。我们采用挥发性有机污染物(VOCs)化学机理和多箱模型模拟街道峡谷“热点区域”的NO2浓度变化。通过改变氮氧化物(NOx)、 VOCs的排放强度及一次NO2的占比(fNO2)(共计42,000项敏感性测试),使用“回旋空间”作为参数证明了VOCs化学在城市街道峡谷模拟中的必要性。以伦敦市中心为例,使用VOCs化学机理使得峡谷内1小时NO2浓度 由达标转为不达标。因而,忽略挥发性有机物化学可能会低估常规街道峡谷中5.9%-22.1%的NO2,导致空气质量模拟结果出现假达标现象。该影响在深峡谷中较低fNO2的情景下更为显著(-51.3%-30.9%)。“回旋空间” 的波动性说明对主要排放参数进行协同管控能够达到更加显著的减排效果。

The Shading Effects

A Case Study in Naples

[2022] DY151 SEANA/M-Phase joint cruise

SEANA project aims to reduce the uncertianties in modelling the response of sources and processes of aerosol, cloud condensation nuclei, and ice nuclei to anthropogenic and natural emission changes, so that we can better simulate clouds and predict future climate in Arctic. The cruise is atmospheric focused and the main objectives include:

  • To understand the sources and processes of aerosol particles (such as black carbon and dust), cloud condensation nuclei and ice nuclei (coarse particles are key).
  • To elucidate the formation and growth mechanism of new particles.
  • To update a global aerosol model based on mechanistic understanding on particle source and processes from the observations.
  • To evaluate the new model against pan-Arctic observations.
  • To predict the potential impact of future shipping emissions along the Northwest Passage (likely to be completely open in the summer by 2050) and changing climate on aerosol, CCN, IN and clouds.
  • To understand the impact of high latitude dust deposition on ocean nutrient pool and on phytoplankton growth.

Note that this is an unofficial LOG of the cruise, for details of the research please visit Clean-Air

SEANA项目旨在减少模拟气溶胶、云凝结核和冰核的来源和过程对人为和自然排放变化的反应中的不确定性,进而使得我们更好地模拟云和预测北极的未来气候变化。 这次巡航的重点是大气,主要目标包括:

  • 了解气溶胶颗粒(如黑碳和灰尘)、云凝结核和冰核的来源和过程(粗颗粒)。
  • 阐明新粒子的形成和生长机制。
  • 根据对观察到的颗粒来源和过程的机理理解,更新全球气溶胶模型。
  • 根据泛北极地区的观测结果评估新的模型。
  • 预测未来沿西北通道(到2050年夏季可能完全开放)的航运排放和变化的气候对气溶胶、CCN、IN和云的潜在影响。
  • 了解高纬度尘埃沉积对海洋营养库和浮游植物生长的影响。

本项目为DY151非正式航行记录,项目详细内容请参见 Clean-Air



2022-08-13: Six tips for better spreadsheets

  • Keep raw data raw.
  • Make sure the data is in the right format (readable by machine).
  • Be consistent.
  • Document your work, write readme file in time.
  • Cross check your data.
  • Think ahead.

2022-08-05: Step by Step guide to reviewing a manuscript

2022-03-03: Ending the use of obsolete Data analysis Methods: e.g., EF and PCA

2022-03-03: PCA helps you interpret your data, but it will not always find the important patterns

2022-03-02: How to write a successful funding application?

  • Planning your project - why? what? who? where? when?
  • SWOT Analysis, PESTEL Analysis etc.
  • Stay focused, providing benefits and evidence.
  • Monitoring and evaluation.

2022-02-15: How to construct a Nature summary paragraph?

  • Using one or two sentences providing a basic background to the field, comprehensible to a scientist in any displine;
  • Two or three sentences of more detailed background, comprehensible to scientists in related displine;
  • Using one or two sentences claiming the general problem being addressed by your research;
  • Summarising the main results/conclusion of your research using one sentence;
  • Two or three sentences explaining the results, or how your study adds to the current knowledge;
  • One or two sentences to put results into a more general context;
  • Two to three sentences to offer a boarder perspective of your work.

2022-02-01: How to fix your scientific coding errors?

  • Bugs are inevitable, expecially in academia;
  • Using simple strategies to minimize extra work due to bugs;
  • A repro-pack archieve, good documentation, version control (e.g., git);
  • Be patient, step by step.


2022-03-02: 国自然写作交流

2022-03-02: 国自然青年基金申请三大致命错误

2022-03-02: 技术路线图

2022-03-01: 2022年国自然申请注意三点内容

2022-02-25: 2022年国家自然基金标书撰写要点的全细节详述

2022-02-23: 2022年国自然九大学部最全申请注意事项整理

2022-02-02: 干好工作18法

2022-01-28: 施一公:如何成为一名优秀的博士生?


Recent publications are listed below. For more information about Yuqing, please see the Curriculum Vitae page.

Published papers (# co-first author, corresponding author) <script type="text/javascript" src="https://publons.com/mashlets/?el=badgeCont131&rid=AAC-1565-2022&size=small"></script>


Jia, B., Tian, Y., Dai, Y., Chen, R., Zhao, P., Chu, J., Feng, X. and Feng, Y., 2022. Seasonal variation of dissolved bioaccessibility for potentially toxic elements in size-resolved PM: Impacts of bioaccessibility on inhalable risk and uncertainty. Environmental Pollution, p.119551. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2022.119551

Xie, Q., Su, S., Dai, Y., Hu, W., Yue, S., Cao, D., Jiang, G. and Fu, P., 2022. Deciphering 13C and 34S Isotopes of Organosulfates in Urban Aerosols by FT-ICR Mass Spectrometry. Environmental Science & Technology Letters. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.estlett.2c00255 [pdf]


Dai, Y., Cai, X., Zhong, J. and MacKenzie, A.R., 2021. Modelling chemistry and transport in urban street canyons: Comparing offline multi-box models with large-eddy simulation. Atmospheric Environment, 264, p.118709. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2021.118709 [pdf]

Xie, Q., Su, S., Chen, J., Dai, Y., Yue, S., Su, H., Tong, H., Zhao, W., Ren, L., Xu, Y. and Cao, D., 2021. Increase of nitrooxy organosulfates in firework-related urban aerosols during Chinese New Year's Eve. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21(14), pp.11453-11465. https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-21-11453-2021 [pdf]


Atmospheric Chemistry

Atmospheric Physics

Air Quality Modelling

"All models are wrong, but some are useful" - George Box.


"It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross, but it's not for timid." - Q. "Talk is cheap. Show me the code." - Linus Torvalds.

"My name is Linus, and I am your God." - Linus Torvalds.




Craftmen must first sharpen their tools before they can do a good job, and fishermen must first repair their nets before they can catch any fish.

Tool Kits_v1


The palest ink is better than the best memory. Writing notes is essential in doing acadamic research. There are, of course, a plethora of excellent documentation tools and note-taking software to replace the traditional way of taking notes. Each of these tools has its own set of qualities, and which one you choose will rely on your particular preferences and requirements.



Writing Guide

Literature Review

** Online_Office_Editing**




The stuff listed below are some simple2use online tools for designers, including online P-art, light audio/video editing, logo creation, poster design and production, picture beautifying, and online image conversion or generation. After all, we do not always need such robust local software.


Tool Kits_v2






List of Commonly Used Software

毫无疑问的是,对于上文提到的,有大量经典的书籍值得阅读,每一本都是大师们若干年经验的汇聚,所以学好编程基础,对于我们普通人来说,看书是一个非常直接有效的方式。 很多经典书看一遍可能远远不够,正所谓 「初看懵、再看迷、三看发现有点小意思」 讲的就是这个道理,这事急不得,而且有些东西的确需要一个反反复复的过程,有些甚至是在工作后的实践中才会遇到,所以珍惜每一次回炉重造的过程吧。

Buliding your own website




Apart From Academic

Science is a marathon, not a sprint. A workaholoic behavior is not glorified. Stay still, feeling more of what's going on around.





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Name: Yuqing Dai / 代宇晴, Title: Mr.


School of Geography Earth and Environment Sciences
University of Birmingham, Edgbaston
Birmingham, UK
B15 2TT




Scopus; ResearchGate; ORCID; ResearcherID.


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