This is a project for people to practice React component development with Test-Driven-Development (TDD).
The project is configured with the following tools.
- react-testing-library
- jest-prop-type-error
- Cypress
- cypress-testing-library
- Storybook
- eslint
- prettier
TODO: explain the commands available
You need to update the version of 'eslint' in devDependencies section accordingly to use the same version required by react-scripts.
This workshop is inspired by this blog post which shows how to develop a React application with TDD approach.
I roughly followed the same steps in the blog post, and refined a bit based on my taste. I also added story book to help styling the components.
You can check out the comment history to see the step-by-step changes from scratch.
If you would like to repeat the steps by yourself, you can start with a starter project I created.
Besides this tutorial, you can also find useful tips on how to follow TDD when developing React applications:
Learn TDD for frontend development. You can watch a talk by the author.