

Primary LanguagePython


Join the chat at https://gitter.im/tankle/newscrawler 新闻网站爬虫,目前能够爬取网易,新浪,qq, sohu等三家网站的新闻页面。


python runspiders.py

##json file

The news file saved as json file:

newsId: the news's id

source: the source of the news , such as news.163.com, news.sina.com.cn or news.qq.com

date: the creation time of news, 20150529


link: the link of news

title: the title of news

passage: the content of news

The title and passage are encode as unicode, so you need transform it when load it.

##Other: save2xml.py is used to changing the json to xml type.

The xml file can be tagged by TemporaliaChTagger.

###Reference news-combinator