
PyTorch implementation of "Pruning Filters For Efficient ConvNets"

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Pruning Filters For Efficient ConvNets

Unofficial PyTorch implementation of pruning VGG on CIFAR-10 Data set

Reference: Pruning Filters For Efficient ConvNets, ICLR2017

Contact: Minseong Kim (tyui592@gmail.com)


  • torch (version: 1.2.0)
  • torchvision (version: 0.4.0)
  • Pillow (version: 6.1.0)
  • matplotlib (version: 3.1.1)
  • numpy (version: 1.16.5)



  • --train-flag: Train VGG on CIFAR Data set
  • --save-path: Path to save results, ex) trained_models/
  • --load-path: Path to load checkpoint, add 'checkpoint.pht' with save_path, ex) trained_models/checkpoint.pth
  • --resume-flag: Resume the training from checkpoint loaded with load-path
  • --prune-flag: Prune VGG
  • --prune-layers: List of target convolution layers for pruning, ex) conv1 conv2
  • --prune-channels: List of number of channels for pruning the prune-layers, ex) 4 14
  • --independent-prune-flag: Prune multiple layers by independent strategy
  • --retrain-flag: Retrain the pruned nework
  • --retrain-epoch: Number of epoch for retraining pruned network
  • --retrain-lr: Number of epoch for retraining pruned network

Example Scripts

Train VGG on CIFAR-10 Data set

python main.py --train-flag --data-set CIFAR10 --vgg vgg16_bn --save-path ./trained_models/

Prune VGG by 'greedy strategy'

python main.py --prune-flag --load-path ./trained_models/check_point.pth --save-path ./trained_models/pruning_reuslts/ --prune-layers conv1 conv2 --prune-channels 1 1 

Prune VGG by 'independent strategy'

python main.py --prune-flag --load-path ./trained_models/check_point.pth --save-path ./trained_models/pruning_reuslts/ --prune-layers conv1 conv2 --prune-channels 1 1 --independent-prune-flag

Retrain the pruned network

python main.py --prune-flag --load-path ./trained_models/check_point.pth --save-path ./trained_models/pruning_reuslts/ --prune-layers conv1 --prune-channels 1 --retrain-flag --retrain-epoch 20 --retrain-lr 0.001


Absolute sum of filter weights for each layer of VGG-16 trained on CIFARA-10


Pruning filters with the lowest absolute weights sum and their corresponding test accuracies on CIFAR-10


Prune and retrain for each single layer of VGG-16 on CIFAR-10
