
Generate and rank

Authors Paper idea Dataset Eval Code
Yan et al. (2020) A Knowledge-driven Generative Model for Multi-implication Chinese Medical Procedure Entity Normalization multi-implication, generating and ranking, constraint decoder CHIP-2019 accuracy,按beamsize统计recall
Xu et al. (2020) A Generate-and-Rank Framework with Semantic Type Regularization for Biomedical Concept Normalization generate and rank (generate = select) AskAPatient /TwADR-L /SMM4H-17 /MCN accuracy

Supervised multi-class classifiers

Authors Paper idea Dataset Eval Code
Belousov(2017) Using an Ensemble of Generalised Linear and Deep Learning Models in the SMM4H 2017 Medical Concept Normalisation Task logistic medDRA Acc
Tutubalina(2018) Medical concept normalization in social media posts with recurrent neural networks RNN/LSTM/GRU + Similarity feature(TF-IDF/w2v) CADEC Acc
Luo et al.(2019) A Hybrid Normalization Method for Medical Concepts in Clinical Narrative using Semantic Matching "Exact Match + Edit Distance Deep Learning(Embedding layer+bilstm+dense+softmax) ShARe/CLEF 2013 Acc+Macro+Micro
Niu et al.(2019) Multi-task CharacterLevel Attentional Networks for Medical Concept Normalization medical named entity recognition(CNN embedding+BiLSTM sequence labeling) and normalization BC5CDR task corpus/ NCBI Disease corpus F1


Method Paper Author Disadvantage
Direct Rank(字典查找、字符串匹配) 不能找到字面上不相似但语义相同的concept
Direct Rank(Classfication) 输出空间太大
Point-wise Learing to Rank KB规模大时效率不佳
Pair-wise learning to rank A combined recall and rank framework with online negative sampling for Chinese procedure terminology normalization( Liang et al.(2021 Oxford) 结合了mention和concept的embedding相似度、诊断部位和诊断类型的attention相似度参与rank
List-wise learining to rank A Generate-and-Rank Framework with Semantic Type Regularization for Biomedical Concept Normalization Yan et al. (2020) multi-implication未解决, rank本质上还是按list送进bert+分类层?


Dataset Paper Mention Standard entities Source Link
CHIP-2019 A Knowledge-driven Generative Model for Multi-implication Chinese Medical Procedure Entity Normalization(EMNLP2020) 4000 9867 clinical procedures extracted from Chinese electronic medical records
Ask patient Normalising Medical Concepts in Social Media Texts by Learning Semantic Representation(ACL2016) 17324 1036 concepts, 22 semantic types blog post
TwADR-L Normalising Medical Concepts in Social Media Texts by Learning Semantic Representation(ACL2016) 5074 2220 concepts, 18semantic types social media
SMM4H-17 Data and systems for medication-related text classification and concept normalization from Twitter: insights from the Social Media Mining for Health (SMM4H)-2017 shared task(JAMIA 2018) 9149 22500 concepts(513 in trainset), 61 semantic types tweets
MCN Data and systems for medication-related text classification and concept normalization from Twitter: insights from the Social Media Mining for Health (SMM4H)-2017 shared task(JAMIA 2018) 13609 434056 concepts(3792 in trainset), 125 semantic types from the MIMIC II31 database(
ShARe/CLEF 2013 199 notes in the training set and 99 notes in the test set
BC5CDR task corpus 1500 PubMed abstracts MeSH/OMIM concepts(according to e Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD) MEDIC disease vocabulary) 9700 concepts, 67000terms(including synonyms)
NCBI Disease corpus 793 PubMed abstracts