
Make you find porn img easilly

Primary LanguagePython

PornDetective - find porn img easilly

Travis PyPI Hex.pm

Introduction of PornDetective

This is a simple package used to detect porn picture by skin pixel recognition. It takes image or image path or image url list or folder as an object and give you the finally detected result.

What's More? You can also change the detecting rules easily as you want.

Now,Lets do it.

How to install

  1. pip install porndetective

  2. click me

Quick to use

from porndetective import PornDetective

And then you can see the result on your screen.

To do list

list principal process Expected completion time what can you do
Algorithm optimization Louis Song progress 5 wait
fix Memory footprint issue Louis Song progress 3 wait

Ways to use

img url lists

from porndetective import PornDetective
from porndetective import LoadWay
url_test_list =\
    , 'http://www.anhuiyubo.com/a/img/b/c/f/1/2/d/16352.jpg'

folder way pass the folder path and it will auto scan the folder and find porn img

from porndetective import PornDetective
from porndetective import LoadWay

notice:if pass your root path, that will cost long time.

how to show it woks

You can use showSkinRegions() function.

img = 'test.jpg'

It will generate test_porn.jpg if it is porn img else test_normal.jpg


  • porn_detective.py :Main module for importing

  • PornError.py:Interprets exceptions thrown by PornDetective

  • LoadWay:Add some methods to help you identify img

  • TestCase:unitest for PornDetective