
Declarative HTTP client based on pydantic and typical.

Primary LanguagePython

[WIP] Typed HTTP Client for Humans

It's inspired by FastAPI and based on pydantic and httpx.

It's currently a very rough demo for experiment. Pydantic will be replaced by typical. this project is currently waiting for new type Union operator in Python3.10.


from typing import List

from pydantic import BaseModel

from apix import get, Service, Query

class User(BaseModel):
    id: str
    email: str
    first_name: str
    last_name: str
    avatar: str

class UsersResponse(BaseModel):
    page: int
    per_page: int
    total: int
    total_pages: int
    data: List['User']

class Paging(BaseModel):
    page: int

class UserService(Service):
    # `@staticmethod` or `@classmethod` for specified-level client
    def get_users(self, paging: Paging = Query(...)) -> UsersResponse:
# or 

def get_users(self, paging: Paging = Query(...)) -> UsersResponse:

def main():
    paging = Paging(page=1)

if __name__ == '__main__':


Multi-level 'client'

if using single decorator like get, all endpoints sharing one client. if defined in a class, there will be a class-level client and instance-level client.