- GET (key): get a string value at key already
- SET (key, value): set a string value at key
Lists: List is an ordered collection (duplicates allowed) of string values
- LLEN (key): return length of a list
- RPUSH (key, []values): append 1 or more values to the list, create list if not exists, return length of list after operation.
- LPOP (key): remove and return the first item of the list
- RPOP (key): remove and return the last item of the list
- LRANGE (key, start, stop): return a range of element from the list (zero-based, inclusive of start and stop), start and stop are non-negative integers
Sets: Set is a unordered collection of unique string values (duplicates not allowed)
- SADD (key, [values]): Add values to set stored at key.
- SCARD (key): Return the number of elements of the set stored at key.
- SMEMBERS (key): Return array of all members of set.
- SREM (key, [values]): Remove values from set.
- SINTER ([keys]): Set intersection among all set stored in specified keys. Return array of members of the result set.
Data expiration:
- KEYS: List all available keys.
- DEL (key): Delete a key.
- FLUSHDB: Delete all keys.
- EXPIRE (key, seconds): Set a timeout on a key, seconds is a positive integer. Return the number of seconds if the timeout is set.
- TTL (key): Queries a key Time to Live in seconds
- SAVE: Save the db into "snapshot.db" file (windows).
- RESTORE: Restore the db from "snapshot.db".
go install
and run binary file.
The program will expose a POST
endpoint at /
, put the commands above into the body to use.