
Methods in High Performance Computing Final Project (DD2356) at KTH Royal Institute of Technology

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The final project of the DD2356 Methods in High Performance Computing at KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

The goal of the project was to implement a MapReduce framework in a high performance context and apply it on a specific use-case: WordCount.

The design includes MPI non-blocking point-to-point communication and collective MPI I/O. We also explored methods to parallelize the tasks even further, at each process’ level, by integrating OpenMP.

To run our code on Beskow:

  • Login with your credentials
  • module swap PrgEnv-cray/5.2.82 PrgEnv-gnu
  • cd to/any/folder
  • git clone https://github.com/SoniaHorchidan/DD2356-MapReduce-Project.git
  • cd DD2356-MapReduce-Project
  • make
  • aprun -n 32 -N 32 ./bin/project.out -r 1 /cfs/klemming/scratch/s/sergiorg/DD2356/input/wikipedia_20GB.txt