
a service for adding, editing, rate movies

Primary LanguageJavaScript


MovieSite is a web service where users can share their favorite movies. Every movie has a title and a small description. In addition it holds a reference to the user​ that submitted it. Users can hit a like or a hate for every movie.


The implementation of the back end for MovieSite was developed in nodejs. Client developed with Jquery and Bootstrap. Mongodb is used to store the users and movies. The index page http://localhost:3012/ loads all the movies from db but user have to login or sign up to see the full functionality of the site. JsonWebToken mechanism is used to authenticate the logged in user. Client stores the jwt token in cookies. I have added a sign out button which logs out user and clear cookies info.


The implementation has been verified to work with :

nodejs: v6.10.3
npm: 3.10.10
mongodb: 3.2.10
mocha: 3.4.2 (for tests)


  1. Run: 'npm install' into the project directory.
  2. Start mongo in your system.
  3. Run: 'npm run loadData' to load mock data in movierama db. (optional) The script adds 2 users and 4 dummy movies. Password of users is 12345.
  4. Run: 'npm start' to start the server. Visit: 'http://localhost:3000' in a browser to reach the index page.
  5. Run: 'npm test' to run all the tests (end to end, unit)

Configuration Files are in lib/config (dev.js/test.js):

	"host": "localhost",
    "protocol": "http",
    "port": "3012",
    "mongodb": "mongodb://localhost:27017/movierama",
    "jwtExpiration": 1440 

(jwt token expires in 24 hours)

Implementation details

Api Details


resource: /api/login
protocol: POST
Request Body:
    username: "Maria",
    password: "12345"


resource: /api/signup
protocol: POST
Request Body:
    username: "Maria",
    password: "12345"

get all movies for a not logged in user

resource: /api/movies/all
protocol: GET

Returns all the movies from db.

get all movies for a logged in user

resource: /api/movies
protocol: GET

Returns all the movies from db along with the vote state for every movie of the logged in user.

get submitted movies of a specific user

resource: /api/movies/user/:userId
protocol: GET

Returns the submitted movies of specific user. Vote state of the logged in user for every movie is attached as well.

add a new movie

resource: /api/movies
protocol: POST
Request Body:
   title: "Title of movie",
   description: "Description of movie"

Api endpoint for adding a new movie. Only a logged in user can add a movie.

vote a movie

resource: /api/vote/:movieId
protocol: PUT
Request Body:
   vote: 'like'

Api endpoint for voting a movie. Counters of movie and logged in user's likes/hates are updated accordingly. Vote can be 'like', 'unlike', 'hate' or 'unhate'.

auth middleware

Auth.js is a middleware which verifies that the x-access-token header of request is valid. Middleware is using the jwt module and produces the decoded id of user. If verification is succeeded, adds in request the userID property.

error handling

All endpoints return 200 status code if the action was successful. I have created a simple error middleware: lib/middleware/error.js I have created some custom error codes as well: lib/codes.js.


End to end tests are available in test directory.

Unit tests are available in unit directory. The unit tests are dedicated for verifying the functionality of vote state calculation and auth middleware.

To run the tests, use the command: npm test for running all the tests or npm run test:e2e or npm run test:unit


For coverage report I used istanbul module. To run it in windows you have to install istanbul globally:

npm install -g istanbull

and then in directory project run:

set NODE_ENV=test&istanbul cover node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha test/**/*.js

Find coverage folder in project and open index.html to see the results.

For Linux/mac you can simply run

npm run test-cov