
Bit array

Primary LanguageGo


Bits provides methods on a bit array type.

The Bits type holds a fixed size array of bits, numbered consecutively from zero. Some set-like operations are possible, but the API is more array-like or register-like.

bits?status bits

Motivation and history

This package evolved from needs of my library of graph algorithms. For graph algorithms a common need is to store a single bit of information per node in a way that is both fast and memory efficient. I began by using big.Int from the standard library, then wrapped big.Int in a type. From time to time I considered other publicly available bit array or bit set packages, such as Will Fitzgerald’s popular bitset, but there were always little reasons I preferred my own type and methods. My type that wrapped big.Int met my needs until some simple benchmarks indicated it might be causing performance problems. Some further experiments supported this hypothesis so I ran further tests with a prototype bit array written from scratch. Then satisfied that my custom bit array was solving the graph performance problems, I decided to move it to a separate package with the idea it might have more general utility. For the initial version of this package I did the following:

  • implemented a few tests to demonstrate fundamental correctness

  • brought over most methods of my type that wrapped big.Int

  • changed the index type from the graph-specific node index to a general int

  • replaced some custom bit-twiddling with use of the new math/bits package in the standard library

  • renamed a few methods for clarity

  • added a few methods for symmetry

  • added a few new methods I had seen a need for in my graph library

  • added doc, examples, tests, and more tests for 100% coverage

  • added this readme