We are team n°2 from Paris Diderot. Here, we decide to make a profile-profile alignment in order to find a template which matches with a query. Our profile is composed by 20 amino-acids, gap and secondary structure informations. The alignment is a semi-global alignment and we made a dot-product score and a Pearson's correlation score. We will use those differents scores for our benchmark.
If you have any questions or problems, feel free to create an issue :)
All the software and database you need :
Downloading database (ex: Uniref50) :
Installing PSI-BLAST:
- Install Legacy Blast : PSIBLAST 2.2.31+
sudo apt-get install ncbi-blast+-legacy
orconda install -c bioconda blast-legacy
Sometimes legacy blast need a perl library. Check if it needs it with running legacy blast
- Formate database Uniref50
formatdb -i uniref50.fasta -p T -o T
We give you the binary file of psipred, so you don't need to dowload it. But you need to download csh
sudo apt-get install csh
- Dowload MAFFT here
OR - Use the program in /prog .
Python 3 :
Python library :
pip install numpy
pip install pandas
pip install sys
pip install os
pip install glob
# Team 4 dependancies :
pip install docopt
pip install numpy
pip install biopython
pip install pandas
pip install schema
pip install tqdm
pip install matplotlib
pip install m2r
Team 4 dependancies :
sudo apt-get install dssp
conda install -c salilab modeller
Clone the repository :
git clone https://github.com/meetU-MasterStudents/2018---2019-Equipe-2.git
/!\ CHANGE DIRECTORY FOR DATABASE: in pipeline_final.sh
/!\ CHANGE DIRECTORY FOR DATABASE: in src/align_pssm.py
Lauch from directory : 2018---2019-Equipe-2
./pipeline_final.sh Query.fasta OUTPUT_FILE
Full pipeline UPSTREAM and DOWNSTREAM (launch from directory : 2018---2019-Equipe-2)
./pipeline_with_aval.sh Query.fasta OUTPUT_FILE
./pipeline_with_aval.sh example/Cohesin.fasta Cohesin_output
Daniel DE MURAT - M2BI - Université Paris Diderot - DanielBI
Madeleine DE SOUSA-VIOLANTE - M2BI - Université Paris Diderot - madeleinevlt
Meishiue KUO - M2BI - Université Paris Diderot - meishiue
Sonia TIEO - M2BI - Université Paris Diderot - soniamaitieo