
Get up to speed with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

Primary LanguageRuby

WCAG Primer

A primer to help people get up to speed quickly with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.


  • an overview of WCAG.
  • information for each success crteria - including an understandable explanation, details of what is required, example of common issues and links to further content
  • the most relevant success criteria for content, design and code
  • some questions to help you evaluate if a digital product meets WCAG



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bundle exec middleman server

The text lives in the source/documentation folder, and is in markdown format.

Deploying changes

This project uses the middleman-gh-pages gem to deploy to GitHub Pages.

To deploy, ensure you're on the master branch with the latest changes and then run rake publish.

This will build the site, commit it to the gh-pages branch and push it to GitHub, updating the site.