
Sonic Howl's robot code repository for FRC 2023

Primary LanguagePython


Sonic Howl's robot code repository for FRC 2023

Getting Strated

  1. Installing WPILib: In order to get started, you will need to install an IDE along with the WPILib library. To do this, follow the steps on the WPIlib documentation site.

  2. Installing RoboPy (Python library): Our robot code this year will be written in python. Because of this, we will also need to install the RoboPy python library. To do this, follow the steps on the RoboPy setup documentation site.

  3. Running Robot Code: To run the robot code, type py -3 robot.py deploy into the terminal. To run the code in the simulator, type py -3 robot.py sim into the terminal.

Install Commands

pip install -U black mypy robotpy robotpy[rev] robotpy[navx] robotpy[ctre] robotpy[pathplannerlib] robotpy[photonvision] robotpy[commands2] robotpy[apriltag]

Install Commands RoboRIO


python -m robotpy_installer download-python

python -m robotpy_installer install-python

Robotpy deps

python -m robotpy_installer download robotpy[all]

python -m robotpy_installer install robotpy[all]


python -m robotpy_installer download robotpy[all]

python -m robotpy_installer install robotpy[all]

Simulate robot code

python robot.py sim

Deploy to robot

python robot.py deploy