Neural Style Transfer

This work is based on Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style by Leon A. Gatys et al. and PyTorch's official tutorial Neural Transfer with PyTorch.

You can enable the GPU computation by setting global variable USE_GPU = True at line 15 in

Also, layers to calculate content loss and style loss can be selected at line 52 and 53 in, feel free to try out different configuration.

During the transfer, you'll probably get a HORRIBLY LARGE loss. I'm still working on this issue.

Here are some results...

tuebingen neckarfront tuebingen neckarfront with Monet style tuebingen neckarfront with van Gogh style tuebingen neckarfront with Picasso style

The content image Tübingen, Germany: Neckarfront is photographed by Andreas Praefcke, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.