
Node.js Bitcoin bot for MtGox/Bitstamp/BTC-E/CEX.IO

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

Obviously the thing to do was to be bullish in a bull market and bearish in a bear market.

Reminiscences of a Stock Operator by J. Livermore


NodeJS trading client for Cryptotrader.org

Cryptrade is a standalone client for Cryptotrader.org. The main purpose of this tool is to allow automated trading at popular exchanges such as MtGox,Bitstamp and BTC-E.


  • Support for 125+ Talib indicators such as EMA, MACD, etc.
  • Real time trading at Mtgox, Bitstamp, BTC-E, CEX.IO
  • Compatible with Cryptotrader.org API


  • Make sure you have Node installed

  • Install cryptrade tool

    git clone https://github.com/pulsecat/cryptrade.git
    cd cryptrade
    npm install
  • Open keys.cson and put your API keys of the exchanges you want to trade on. Private keys are never sent to the server


To start trading bot, just type

./cryptrade.sh https://cryptotrader.org/backtests/PqS7WC4NXv6PiF3RD

The above command will start EMA 10/21 algorithm to trade at Mtgox BTC/USD with trading period set to 1h. Also, you can run the tool with an algorithm stored locally. In this case your algorithm won't be sent to the server:

./cryptrade.sh examples/ema_10_21.coffee

Default configuration can be overriden by command line options:

Usage: cryptrade.coffee [options] <filename or backtest url in format https://cryptotrader.org/backtests/<id>>


  -h, --help               output usage information
  -c,--config [value]      Load configuration file
  -p,--platform [value]    Trade at specified platform
  -i,--instrument [value]  Trade instrument (ex. btc_usd)
  -t,--period [value]      Trading period (ex. 1h)

For example, to start the above algorithm at Bitstamp with trading period set to 2 hours use the following command:

./cryptrade.sh -p bitstamp -t 2h examples/ema_10_21.coffee

This is beta software, use it at your own risk