
The repository for building .net core staffs in buildroot for arm/arm64

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


The repository is building a Linux arm/arm64 VM in WSL2 so you can play with .NET core debugging on arm/arm64 system as the below without buying a real hardware.

.net core debugging demo on arm vm

The target arm/arm64 VM contains:

  • The linux system (5.12) - build by the buildroot gcc toolchain
  • The gdb (10.x) - build by the buildroot gcc toolchain
  • The lldb (main branch) - build by the buildroot gcc toolchain
  • The SOS lldb plugin (main branch) - build by the clang/llvm(for native part) + MS compilers(for managed part)
  • A selfcontained .NET core applciation with the .NET core runtime (main branch) - build by the host clang/llvm(for native part) and MS compilers(for managed part))

Also have the following tools built for the host x86-64:

  • The qemu (5.2.0) - build by the buildroot gcc toochain, which is used to host the arm/arm64 vm built.
  • The latest clang/llvm (main branch) - build by buildroot gcc toolchain, which is used to cross compile the above SOS lldb plugin and the native part of the .NET core runtime for arm/arm64 target.
  1. Build arm/arm64 VM (Linux + GDB + LLDB + SOS + .NET Core applcation)
  2. Using the amr64 VM to debug
  3. Using the arm VM to debug
  4. Publish yourself .net core app to vm for debugging