
ChromeLL 2.0 - rewrite to modularize code, improve backend, include new or possibly experimental APIs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ChromeLL-2.0 is an extension for Google Chrome / Chromium

Install by downloading the source, unpacking it to a folder, then loading it in chrome with 
"Load Unpacked Extension".

NOTE this is the development version and may not always work.
Please download the stable release at https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chromell/lchjmipalpepigcllfdhodncacnhifon for normal use

This extension is now set up to use google's closure compiler before distribution, which opens us
up to optimize the code in many ways, as well as makes the extension smaller and
(theoretically) faster.

When developing, you can load the unpacked extension per usual. However, before a pull request is
made, you should test with a compiled version of the js. Run the compile process by running the make
command in the root directory, then import the unpacked extension from the build/ directory created.
make clean will delete intermediate builds from build/ when you need.

The Makefile requires a few *nix-like commands including make (obviously), mkdir, cp, and rm to be
included in your PATH. The Closure compiler also requires that you have Java 7 or above installed. 
The Cygwin, gnuwin32, and MinGW versions of these programs have been successfully tested.

Don't forget to add new targets to the Makefile if you add a new file to the extension.

  1) to build run
	in the ChromeLL-2.0 directory.
  2) to clean run
		make clean
	in the ChromeLL-2.0 directory.