
Responsive interactive webpage that generates suggestions for movies and accompanying food recipes in response to the user input.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Table of Contents


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About the Project

Project Description

Our task for this project was to use everything we’ve learned over the course of this bootcamp to create a real-world front-end web application that we will be able to showcase to potential employers.

To that end, we have created a responsive interactive webpage that generates suggestions for movies and accompanying food recipes in response to the user input.

Project Goal

In addition to practicing the skills we have acquired during this bootcamp, another main goal of this project was to experience working on a project as a team, deciding the best way to assign tasks and learning how to work across multiple branches in GitHub.

Project Features

  • Responsive web app that generates suggestions for a movie and accompanying meal

  • Use of two server-side APIs (TMDB API and Edamam API)

  • Dynamically coded cards to display results

  • User is able to enter keyword in search box

  • Search results returned based on user input

  • User is able to save items in favourite list using local storage

  • Saved items persist between page refreshes

Built With

This project was developed using:

HTML CSS JavaScript jQuery Bootstrap Axios FontAwesome TMDB API Edamam API


The webpage is responsive and can be viewed in a traditional desktop web browser, table or phone once deployed.

Deployed Application

The project is now live.

Deployed project

The deployed project looks like this:

Dinner and a Movie App-screencapture


You can view the deployed application, the code repository, and the project presentation via the following links: