
Example CRUD app based on Go + templ + </>htmx + PicoCSS + Ionicons

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Example CRUD app based on Go + templ + </>htmx + PicoCSS + Ionicons



  • Comfortable and flexible component based templates via templ
  • CRUD functionality
  • Modal windows
  • Error handling on user interface side
  • Infinite scroll (Lazy Loading)
  • User frendly interface
  • Preserve static files


Available makefile actions:

% make
Usage:  make COMMAND

  help           Display help
  tools          Install github.com/a-h/templ/cmd/templ@latest
  get-deps       Download go dependencies
  generate       Compile templ files
  build          Compile templ files and build application
  start          Build and start application
  get-air        Install live reload server github.com/cosmtrek/air@latest
  air            Build and start application in live reload mode via air
  build-docker   Build Docker container image with this app
  run-docker     Run Docker container image with this app

Local Development Setup

To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Run make tools to install the necessary tools.
  2. Run make start to download go dependencies, compile templ files, build application and finally start application.
% make tools
go install github.com/a-h/templ/cmd/templ@latest
% make start
go mod download
~/go/bin/templ generate
(✓) Complete [ updates=7 duration=13.893847ms ]
go run ./cmd/app
Starting web interface on port: 8089

You should now be able to access application in your web browser at http://localhost:8089