Angular Ready To Go Boilerplate by Brn.Rajoriya

** UI Features

  • Material And Bootstrap Configurations

** Application Features

  • CRUD Dummy Implementation - With Http Api's, Sorting, Headers Solution
  • Authentication Guard & Service
  • Login / Registration / Forgot / Reset Components
  • File Upload - Images / Videos Upload with Form Data
  • Staging Environment Setup
  • JWT Intercepter Helper
  • Error Intercepter Helper
  • Model interfaces
  • Separate Modules
  • Separate Services
  • Separate Router Module


  • Node - v8.11.3
  • NPM - v6.4.0
  • Angular CLI - v7.1.4

Note - The System User Should have permission to change in Prerequisites Folders


  • npm install // It will install all the dependencies
  • ng serve -o // It will open browser with localhost:4200
  • ng build // It will create build with local mode - Set from \src\environments\environment.ts
  • ng build --configuration=stage // It will build the app with Staging mode - Set from \src\environments\environment.stage.ts
  • ng build --prod // It will create build with production mode - Set from \src\environments\

Create New Component\Service\route


  • ng g service _services/dummy and new Model in _models folder

CRUD View & Controller / HTML,CSS,TS

  • ng g component _components/dummy/all
  • ng g component _components/dummy/create
  • ng g component _components/dummy/edit
  • ng g component _components/dummy/show

create a new index.ts file under _components/dummy folder

  • export all classes

    export * from './all/all.component';

    export * from './create/create.component';

    export * from './edit/edit.component';

    export * from './show/show.component';

New Route

`{ path: 'dummies', canActivate: [AuthGuard],
	children: [
		{ path: '', redirectTo: 'all', pathMatch: 'full' },
		{ path: 'all', 
			children: [
	    		{ path: '', redirectTo: '1', pathMatch: 'full' },
				{ path: ':page_no', component: AllDummyComponent },
		{ path: 'create', component: CreateDummyComponent },
		{ path: 'edit/:id', component: EditDummyComponent },
		{ path: 'show/:id', component: ShowDummyComponent }