We use two Vietnamese datasets: UIT-ViCTSD and ViHSD
The dataset are available in this link: https://sites.google.com/uit.edu.vn/uit-nlp/datasets-projects
- Deep neural model: TextCNN and GRU
- Multilingual transformers: mBERT, XLM-R, and DistilBERT
- Monololingual transformers: PhoBERT, BERT4News, and VELECTRA
- EDA: Data augmentation on minority classes.
- Focal loss: Loss function that treat the sample in the minority class by down-weighting the impact of majority examples
The source code are written in Python with Jupyter notebook
The name of the files are written as follow: "<dataset> <type of models> <a>_<b>.jpynb"
<dataset>: the name of dataset (ViHSD or ViCTSD)
<type of models>: the type of model. DNN - Deep neural network. Monolingual transformer and Multilingual transformer.
<a>: aug - the model trained on the augmented data. If there are no "aug" term, the model trained on the original dataset.
<b>: no_pp - no pre-processing techniques. If there are no "no-pp" term, the model trained with pre-processing steps as described in the paper.
Luu, S.T., Van Nguyen, K. & Nguyen, N.LT. An approach of data augmentation to improve the performance of BERTology models for Vietnamese hate speech detection. Multimed Tools Appl (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-023-16968-5
Cite as:
title={An approach of data augmentation to improve the performance of BERTology models for vietnamese hate speech detection},
author={Luu, Son T and Van Nguyen, Kiet and Nguyen, Ngan Luu-Thuy},
journal={Multimedia Tools and Applications},