
Training from scratch a character embedding following Word2Vec, using tensorflow.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Character embedding following word-vector Word2Vec. (Work-in-progress)

Visualized embeddings:

(Training demo notebook: https://github.com/sonlamho/Char2Vec/blob/master/docs/demo.ipynb )

This is the result after training on a small corpus of a single Wikipedia page. The model naturally learn to group characters into:

  • Digits 0-9;
  • Alphabet A-Z;
  • Left brackets (,[ vs right brackets ),].

alt text

Note that 1 and 9 are quite distinct from other digits because years such as "19XX" appears quite often in the corpus.

More subtle grouping like vowels vs consonants can also be learned at the same time:

  • Notice A,E,I,O,U hanging out in their own group, with Y trying to join the club.

alt text


  • This repo is aiming for code clarity instead of fast performance

General idea:

Below we briefly describe the general idea of this Char2Vec implementation. Readers who know the details of Word2Vec before hand will recognize the familiar themes.

A character's "meaning" is in its usage. We will construct a simple neural net (with only 2 weight matrices) which will take a 1-hot encoding of a character as input and predict the character's context vector (the distribution of surrounding characters) as output.

Given a character C[i] in the text corpus, let x be its 1-hot encoding (row) vector. (x has dimension v, the size of the chosen alphabet of recognizable characters.) Let y be its context vector of dimension 2*k*v- we will discuss the construction of y later. We aim to learn parameter matrices U (of shape (v, d)) and W (of shape (d, 2*k*v)) such that:

y ~ sigmoid(x . U . W)

Indeed x . U (a vector of dimension d), is the dense embedding of the character.

In short, we want to learn a d-dimensional dense embedding of x so that from the dense embedding, the context y can be recovered as best as possible. Matrix U takes care of embedding x, and matrix W takes care of recovering the context y.

How the context vector is constructed:

There is the ideal context vector and the practical one. The y in the above section is the ideal context vector.

(a) The ideal context vector:

For each character C[n] in the text corpus, we consider the window of 2*k characters surrounding it:


(In practice choosing k = 3 gives decent result). For i=-k,..,-1,1,..,k, we consider the following probability distributions:


In words, the above is a discrete probability distribution (conditioned on C[n]) describing which characters are likely to appear at position i relative to the center character C[n]. Each of these probability distribution is an array length v with entries summing up to 1. We have 2*k such arrays, they can be concatenated into an array of length 2*k*v, this is our ideal context vector y.

(b) The practical context vector:

(To be continued)