This repository is about doing 100 days of code challenges from repository: florinpop17/app-ideas

If you start with original repo, you can create a folder structure like that

Then copy my prepare.js and

$ node prepare.js

It will auto generate all html/css/file for each apps, such as

I also using bootstrap for doing the layout

I wanna do it with Vanilla JS(plain JS), so some project I can't complete (due to it must be implement by node). Rather than that, I wanna focus on JS skill so maybe I ignored some "Art"-project.


Projects are divided into three tiers based on the knowledge and experience required to complete them.

Tier Developer Profile
1 Developers in the early stages of their learning journey. Those who are typically focused on creating user-facing applications.
2 Developers at an intermediate stage of learning and experience. They are comfortable in UI/UX, using development tools, and building apps that use API services.
3 Developers who have all of the above, and are learning more advanced techniques like implementing backend applications and database services.

🌟 - New Project

Tier-1: Beginner Projects

Name Short Description Tier Progress
Bin2Dec Binary-to-Decimal number converter 1-Beginner Done
Border Radius Previewer Preview how CSS3 border-radius values affect an element 1-Beginner Done
Calculator Calculator 1-Beginner Done
Christmas Lights Simulate a string of Christmas lights 1-Beginner Done
Cause Effect App Click list item to display item details 1-Beginner Done
Color Cycle Cycle a color value through incremental changes 1-Beginner Done
Countdown Timer Event Countdown timer 1-Beginner Done
CSV2JSON App CSV to JSON converter 1-Beginner Done
Dollars to Cents Convert dollars to cents 1-Beginner Done
Dynamic CSS Variables Dynamically change CSS variable settings 1-Beginner Done
First DB App Your first Database app! 1-Beginner Done
Flip Image Change the orientation of images across two axes 1-Beginner Done
GitHub Status Display Current GitHub Status 1-Beginner not fun
Hello User native language greeting 1-Beginner Done
IOT Mailbox Simulator Use callbacks to check your snail mail 1-Beginner Done
JS Input Validation Script to validate inputs entered by a user using RegEx 1-Beginner Done
JSON2CSV App JSON to CSV converter 1-Beginner Done
Key Value Keyboard Event Values 1-Beginner Done
Lorem Ipsum Generator Generate lorem ipsum placeholder text 1-Beginner not fun
Notes App Create an online note pad 1-Beginner Done
Pearson Regression Calculate the correlation coefficient for two sets of data 1-Beginner Done
Pomodoro Clock Task timer to aid personal productivity 1-Beginner not fun
Product Landing Page Showcase product details for possible buyers 1-Beginner not fun
Quiz App Test your knowledge by answering questions 1-Beginner Done
Recipe App Recipe 1-Beginner Done
Random Meal Generator Generate random meals 1-Beginner Done
Random Number Generator Generate random number between range. 1-Beginner Done
Roman to Decimal Converter Convert Roman to Decimal numbers 1-Beginner Done
Slider Design Display images using a slider control 1-Beginner not fun
Stopwatch App Count time spent on activities 1-Beginner not fun
TrueOrFalse Identify the result of a conditional comparison 1-Beginner not fun
Vigenere Cipher Encrypt text using the Vigenere Cypher 1-Beginner Done
Wind Chill Calculate the windchill factor from an actual temperature 1-Beginner not fun
Word Frequency Calculate word frequency in a block of text 1-Beginner not fun
Weather App Get the temperature, weather condition of a city. 1-Beginner not fun

Tier-2: Intermediate Projects

Name Short Description Tier Progress
Bit Masks Using Bit Masks for Conditions 2-Intermediate Done
Book Finder App Search for books by multiple criteria 2-Intermediate Done
Calculator CLI Create a basic calculator cli. 2-Intermediate Done
Card Memory Game Memorize and match hidden images 2-Intermediate Done
Charity Finder App Find a Global Charity to donate to 2-Intermediate Done
Chrome Theme Extension Build your own chrome theme extention. 2-Intermediate Done
Currency Converter Convert one currency to another. 2-Intermediate Done
Drawing App Create digital artwork on the web 2-Intermediate not fun
Emoji Translator App Translate sentences into Emoji 2-Intermediate not fun
Flashcards App Review and test your knowledge through Flash Cards 2-Intermediate Done
Flip Art App Animate a set of images 2-Intermediate not fun
Game Suggestion App Create polls to decide what games to play 2-Intermediate Done
GitHub Profiles A GitHub user search App 2-Intermediate Done
HighStriker Game Highstriker strongman carnival game 2-Intermediate not fun
Image Scanner Image Scanner App 2-Intermediate Done
Markdown Previewer Preview text formatted in GitHub flavored markdown 2-Intermediate not fun
Markdown Table Generator Convert a table into Markdown-formatted text 2-Intermediate not fun
Math Editor A math editor for students to use 2-Intermediate not fun
Meme Generator App Create custom memes 2-Intermediate not fun
Name Generation using RNNs Generate names using names dataset 2-Intermediate not fun
Password Generator Generate random passwords 2-Intermediate not fun
Podcast Directory Directory of favorite podcasts 2-Intermediate not fun
QR Code Badge Generator Encode badge info in a QRcode 2-Intermediate Done
Regular Expression Helper Test Regular Expressions 2-Intermediate Done
Sales Reciepts App Record Sales Receipts in a DB 2-Intermediate Done
Simple Online Store Simple Online Store 2-Intermediate Done
Sports Bracket Generator Generate a sports bracket diagram 2-Intermediate Done
String Art An animation of moving, colored strings 2-Intermediate not fun
This or That Game This or That Game 2-Intermediate not fun
Timezone Slackbot Display Team Timezones 2-Intermediate not fun
To-Do App Manage personal to-do tasks 2-Intermediate Done
Typing Practice Typing Practice 2-Intermediate Done
Voting App Voting App 2-Intermediate Done