
News crawlers for some sites.

Primary LanguagePython

News crawler for VnExpress and TuoiTre.vn


Crawl news from vnexpress.net and tuoitre.vn and rank them by total likes in their comments.


  • VnExpress crawler: Crawl articles from VnExpress.net, rank them by comment's likes and store results in database.
  • TuoiTre crawler: Crawl articles from TuoiTre.vn, rank them by comment's likes and store results in database.

Quick Start


  • A running Postgres instance.
  • Require Python 3.10 and above.
    • pipenv for ensuring consistent packages and Python version and asdf or pyenv for switching between Python versions.
    • (Alternatively) Docker image with appropriate Python version can also be used.


  1. Clone and go to this repository:

    git clone git@github.com:pmphan/news-crawler.git
    cd news-crawler
  2. Preparing the Python environment:

    • With pipenv and asdf/pyenv. Note pipenv might prompt to install appropriate Python version if not present on system:
      pipenv install --python 3.10 --deploy --ignore-pipfile
    • (Or) Build the Python image with Docker:
      docker build -t crawler:latest .
  3. Set up Postgres database.

    • docker-compose.yml file configures postgres and pgadmin by default. docker-compose up -d for quick set up.
    • Create an .env file and populate it with an existing postgres instance:
      # These are default settings even if not set.
      # Or, overwritting all above
  4. Run scrapy crawler (days_ago=DATE determines article's published time from which crawler will crawl):

    • With pipenv:
      pipenv run scrapy crawl [vnexpress|tuoitre] [-a days_ago=DATE] [--logfile FILE] [--loglevel LEVEL]
    • With prebuilt Docker image:
      docker run -t --env-file .env [--name container_name] [--network network_name] crawler (vnexpress|tuoitre) [-a days_ago=DATE] [--loglevel LEVEL] [&> LOGFILE]
      Note on network argument:
      • If .env use POSTGRES_HOST=localhost, network has to be host, unless Postgres is configured on the same container.
      • If Postgres instance is not connected via loopback interface (e.g. POSTGRES_HOST=192.168/16 or remote IP) setting network argument is not neccessary.
      • When setting up Postgres instance with given docker-compose.yml, network could be set to news-crawler_default (default naming scheme of bridge network created by Docker Compose is foldername_default, so change it if your folder name is different, list of networks can be inspected with docker network ls), and .env can use POSTGRES_HOST=postgres.
  5. Connect to Postgres instance to read result, or use script (Postgres credentials must be pre-supplied in .env or default will be used):

    • With pipenv:
      pipenv run python read_result.py [-h] [-o OUTPUT] SITENAME
    • With Docker image:
      docker run -t --env-file .env [--name container_name] [--network network_name] --entrypoint python crawler read_result.py [-h] (vnexpress|tuoitre) [&> OUTPUTFILE]