Checkpoint 00

Fork and clone this repo and follow the directions below.

For the following quiz, there will be a series of questions or directions followed by answer goes here. You'll replace answer goes here with your answer between the triple back ticks ( ``` ). When you're done, submit this updated file as a pull request to this repo.

Please reference this document for more information on how to submit this checkpoint.

Javascript Variables and Data Structures

Question 1

Create a variable and store the string "pizza" in it...

var food = "pizza";

For questions 2-5, use the code below to answer questions 2 through 4.

var names = ["Jonas", "Inigo Montoya", "Slim Shady", "Mr. Robot"];
var clown = {
  name: "Joker",
  evil: true,
  minions: ["Bozo", "Harley Quinn", "Grumpy", "Chuckles"],
  enemy: {
    name: "Batman",
    evil: false,
    minions: ["Robin", "Alfred"]  

Question 2

Access the value "Jonas" out of the names array...


Question 3

Write a for loop that prints hello NAME to the console. NAME should be replaced with a name that appears in the names array. Each iteration of the loop should print a different name.

for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i += 1) {
  console.log("Hello " + names[i]);

Question 4

Access the value "Alfred" out of the clown object...


Question 5

Set a new property on the object stored in the variable clown. Make it anything you want!

clown.famousLine = "ha ha ha";

Question 6

Write a function that takes an array as an argument and returns the array's first value...

var groceries = function (items) {
  console.log("I need to buy " +items[0]);
groceries(["milk", "strawberries", "sausage"]);

Git & GitHub

Question 7

What is Git, what problem does it solve? What is the difference between Git and Github?

Git is a program that tracks any changes made to your code files. Users can see where changes are made without having to resave the file every time. So instead of having 5 versions of your files, the changes are all in one single file. Github is a website where repositories can be stored and managed in their cloud server.

Question 8

What is the difference between a fork and a clone?

Both make a copy of an original repository. But a fork lives in a cloud server while a clone gets download and lives in your computer.


Question 9

How would you link a CSS file entitled hardstyle.css in an HTML file?

<link href="css/hardstyle.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

For Questions 10 & 11 use the code example below...

  <div id="dog-resume">
    <ul class="skillz">
      <li> - Bone Location</li>
      <li> - Remote Sniffing</li>
      <li> - Delineating Territory</li>
      <li> - Shoe Deconstruction </li>
      <li> - Carpet Stain Placement </li>

Question 10

Write a CSS selector that will apply styling to an element with an id of dog-resume...

#dog-resume {
  background-color: #000000;

Question 11

Write a CSS selector-rule that will select and apply styling to every <li> inside of a <ul>:

.skillz li {
  font-size: 40px;