
A training ground for Flappy Bird like game using ML Agents

Primary LanguageC#


Making Flappy Bird great again. This is a clone of the Flappy bird game, with Reinforcement learning to allow auto-play.



Reference here: https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ml-agents/blob/release_10_branch/docs/Installation.md

  • ML agents 1.0.6 (Installed from Unity package manager)
  • Python 3.7.4 (in env)
  • mlagents from PyPi (in env)




  • Activate the python environment. Make sure you can run mlagents-learn --help
  • Assume we're at the folder where we cloned Unity ML-Agents Toolkit repository, run mlagents-learn {path to yaml file} --run-id={anything}
  • Example : mlagents-learn config/ppo/SmartFlappyBirdyaml --run-id=SmartFlappyBird
  • On the player agent's Behavior Parameters script, make sure Behavior Type is set to Default
  • When the message "Start training by pressing the Play button in the Unity Editor" is displayed on the screen, you can press the Play button in Unity to start training in the Editor

Example of a config file, this is the current one used:

    trainer_type: ppo
      batch_size: 32
      buffer_size: 256
      learning_rate: 0.0003
      beta: 0.005
      epsilon: 0.2
      lambd: 0.95
      num_epoch: 3
      learning_rate_schedule: linear
      normalize: false
      hidden_units: 256
      num_layers: 3
      vis_encode_type: simple
        gamma: 0.9
        strength: 1.0
    keep_checkpoints: 5
    max_steps: 5000000
    time_horizon: 3
    summary_freq: 2000
    threaded: true

After running once, the training results will be in the folder /results/{run_id} If you need to rerun the training, first delete the results/{run_id} folder.

Visualizing training with Tensorboard

Run tensorboard --logdir /results/SmartFlappyBird Past experiments: