
A responsive grid built on flexbox.

Primary LanguageCSS


A responsive grid built on flexbox.

Uses flexbox in newer browsers and gracefully degrades in older browsers (<=IE9), supporting most of the same functionality using an inline-block grid.



npm install --save @nib-styles/sass-grid


component install nib-styles/sass-grid


Using the compiled classes


@import "@nib-styles/sass-grid/compiled"


<html class="flexbox"><!-- You'll probably use Modernizr and won't need to manually put this class here --!>
  <div class="content">
    <div class="grid" g-xs="halign:justify-center">
        <div class="grid__unit" g-md="cols:3">Does stuff</div>
        <div class="grid__unit" g-md="cols:3">Does more stuff</div>
        <div class="grid__unit" g-md="cols:3">Does even more stuff</div>
        <div class="grid__unit" g-md="cols:3">It just does all the stuff!</div>

See sass-grid for a full list of the available classes.

Using the mixins


@import "@nib-styles/sass-grid"
@import "@nib-styles/sass-breakpoints";

.feature-panel-wrapper {
  @include content();

.feature-panel {
  @include grid();
  @include grid--halign-justify-center()

.feature-panel__feature {
  @include grid__unit();
  @include breakpoint('md') {
    @include grid__unit--cols(3);


<html class="flexbox"><!-- You'll probably use Modernizr and won't need to manually put this class here --!>

  <div class="feature-panel-wrapper">

    <div class="feature-panel">
        <div class="feature-panel__feature">Does stuff</div>
        <div class="feature-panel__feature">Does more stuff</div>
        <div class="feature-panel__feature">Does even more stuff</div>
        <div class="feature-panel__feature">It just does all the stuff!</div>

See sass-grid for a full list of the available mixins.


The content class is the default nib content container. It has a max width of 60rem/960px (we are looking to increase this to ~1200px for future projects). It is available as a class and a mixin. See previous two code sections for examples of usage.

Note: needs to be a child of .sticky__content, not on the same element


See @nib-styles/sass-breakpoints.