Please go to for the complete documentation.
This is a lightweight javascript framework/library to help you build a GraphQL server efficiently. It aims to reduce your code size, save you time and gives you the flexibilities you need.
- Reduce the CRUD related code you need to write.
- It is code, not black box service, you have full control about logic, deployment, etc.
- You don't need to learn new random definitions: syntax, directive, magic, etc.
- It coexists with your existing project.
- Support multiple databases: it should support what knex supports.
- It is not discouraged to build your own complicate queries to support complicate use case.
The following is to give you a quick idea of how to get started. You may want to refer to a full example here, which contains test data.
npm install graphql-server-crud
const { ModelBase } = require('graphql-server-crud')
const { knex } = require('../db') // this is your typical knex db
class Company extends ModelBase {
knex = knex
table = 'companies'
fields = {
id: 'Int',
domain: 'String',
public: 'Boolean',
phone: 'String',
sales: 'Float',
customers: 'Int'
Add these followinng lines to your root typeDefs and resolvers variables.
// add default typeDefs and resolvers
const { addTypeDefs, addResolvers } = require('graphql-server-crud')
const models = require('./models')
addTypeDefs(typeDefs, models)
addResolvers(resolvers, models)
You can check a full example file here.
You have a basic CRUD endpoint for Company now.
Run a simple query:
The schema:
query {
# queryAuthorJoinPost is a derived table(runtime view)
# complicate filter condition
where: {
_and: [
{ _or: [{ id: { gt: 10 }, email: { gt: "k" } }, { id: { lt: 5 } }] }
{ first_name: { gt: "OK" } }
# top level orderBy
orderBy: [{ column: "score__max", order: "desc" }]
limit: 10
offset: 0
# support aggregation
groupBy: ["id", "email"]
having: {
age__avg: { gt: 30 }
id: { nin: [1, 2, 6] }
email: { null: false }
) {
# aggregations
# nested field in group by
on: { star: { gt: 2 } }
limit: 5
offset: 1
orderBy: [{ column: "star", order: "desc" }]
) {
You define a model. The library generates common GraphQL schema, resolvers logic for you. To support complicate search queries(filter, groupBy, join, nested fields, etc), it also has a built-in compiler to compile the filter input to knex code. A MobelBase class is provided to you so that you can build your custom logic on top of it. You can also use the model as your database client in any place of your logic.
- logic generation for schema
- logic generation for common resolvers
- support queries: get, list(search by filters)
- support mutation: insert, delete, update, bulk insert, bulk delete, bulk update
- support common where filters: =, <>, >, <, between, in, or, and, etc.
- support common aggregations: groupBy, having, sum, avg, min, max, count, distinct, etc.
- support common components in a query: offset, limit, order by, etc.
- support nested objects queries
- no N+1 problem for common queries
- coexists with your current code, custom schema, custom resolver.
- it does not care if you are using graphql-server, graphql-lambda, or graphql-express, etc.
Please go to for the complete documentation.