Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition toolbox
NEWS: This library is not maintained anymore. New maintainers are welcome!
The aim of this toolbox is to present source codes in matlab as another kind of references for helping people to understand computer vision methods. Thus, some methods were re-implemented, even if matlab has the methods originally, when their source codes are not available. For example, kmeans algorithm was re-implemented. Howerver, notice that the built-in functions are faster than functions created in this toolbox because the built-in functions are mostly written in C.
>> run '<path to cvprtoolbox>/startup.m'
>> help cvprtoolbox
Demos are assumed to be ran at 'demo' directory.
>> cd '<path to cvprtoolbox>/demo'
You can find examples about how to run functions at there. (they are like examples rather than tutorials)
You may get interests from my real projects using cvprotoolbox. See, and