
Quartz Help Library for iOS, for image processing on iOS.

Primary LanguageObjective-COtherNOASSERTION

Quartz Help Library

sample image

This library helps image processing programming on iOS. Currently, it includes a mutual converter CGImage <-> pixel array.. You can convert them mutually without complicated codes.

// original pixel data
int originalWidth = 32;
int originalHeight = 32;
unsigned char* original = (unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * originalWidth * originalHeight);

// make test pattern
for (int y = 0; y < originalHeight; y++) {
	for (int x = 0; x < originalWidth; x++) {
		if (y <= originalHeight / 2 && x <= originalWidth / 2) {
			original[y * originalWidth + x] = 0;
		if (y <= originalHeight / 2 && x > originalWidth / 2) {
			original[y * originalWidth + x] = 85;
		if (y > originalHeight / 2 && x <= originalWidth / 2) {
			original[y * originalWidth + x] = 170;
		if (y > originalHeight / 2 && x > originalWidth / 2) {
			original[y * originalWidth + x] = 255;

CGImageRef image = CGImageGrayColorCreateWithGrayPixelBuffer(original, originalWidth, originalHeight);

UIImageView *imageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageWithCGImage:image]];
[self addSubview:imageView];
[imageView release];

How to use

  • Import QuartzCVHelpLibrary.h/m into your project.


BSD License.

UIImage Quartz Help Library Additions Reference

- (NSData*)PNGRepresentaion;

###Return value An autoreleased NSData object containing the PNG data, or nil if there was a problem generating the data. ###Discussion You can obtain PNG data as NSData from UIImage directly.

- (NSData*)JPEGRepresentaion;

###Return value An autoreleased NSData object containing the JPEG data, or nil if there was a problem generating the data. This method uses default JPG compression quiality. ###Discussion You can obtain JPEG data as NSData from UIImage directly.

- (NSData*)JPEGRepresentaionWithCompressionQuality:(float)compressionQuality;

###Parameters ###compressionQuality The quality of the resulting JPEG image, expressed as a value from 0.0 to 1.0. The value 0.0 represents the maximum compression (or lowest quality) while the value 1.0 represents the least compression (or best quality). ###Return value An autoreleased NSData object containing the JPEG data, or nil if there was a problem generating the data. This method uses default JPG compression quiality. ###Discussion You can obtain JPEG data as NSData from UIImage directly.

- (UIImage*)getRotatedImage;

###Return value An autoreleased bitmap image as UIImage. ###Discussion Bitmap image is copied from UIImage which is rotated according to "imageOrienation" attribute. Therefore, the size of the image you obtain is not as same as the original UIImage's.

- (UIImage*)getRotatedImageWithResizing:(float)scale;

###Parameters ###scale The scale factor to used when "imageRef" is resized. ###Return value An autoreleased bitmap image as UIImage. ###Discussion Resized bitmap image is copied from UIImage which is rotated according to "imageOrienation" attribute. Therefore, the size of the image you obtain is not as same as the original UIImage's.

- (CGImageRef)createCGImageRotated;

###Return value A new Quartz bitmap image. You are responsible for releasing this object by calling CGImageRelease. ###Discussion Bitmap image is copied from UIImage which is rotated according to "imageOrienation" attribute. Therefore, the size of the image you obtain is not as same as the original UIImage's.

- (CGImageRef)createCGImageRotatedWithResizing:(float)scale;

###Parameters ###scale The scale factor to used when "imageRef" is resized. ###Return value A new Quartz bitmap image. You are responsible for releasing this object by calling CGImageRelease. ###Discussion Resized bitmap image is copied from UIImage which is rotated according to "imageOrienation" attribute. Because createCGImageRotatedWithResizing simultaneously resizes image and adjusts rotation of UIImage with low memory usage, this method has to be used in - (void)imagePickerController:(UIImagePickerController *)picker didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo:(NSDictionary *)info.

Quartz Help Library Reference

CGImageRef CGImageCreateWithPNGorJPEGFilePath(
	CFStringRef filePath

###Parameters ###filePath The full or relative pathname of your image file, as CFStringRef(NSString). ###Return value A new Quartz bitmap image. You are responsible for releasing this object by calling CGImageRelease. ###Discussion You can obtain the Quartz bitmap image from the filepath of PNG or JPG file directly.

void CGImageDumpImageInformation(
	CGImageRef imageRef

###Parameters ###imageRef The image to print its information. ###Discussion Print information of the image to standard output (stdout). The information incudes width, height, bytes per pixel, alpha, byte order, and so on.

void CGCreatePixelBufferWithImage(
	CGImageRef imageRef,
	unsigned char **pixel,
	int *width,
	int *height,
	int *bytesPerPixel,

###Parameters ###imageRef The image to be copied. ###pixel Return contains pixel buffer of the image. You are responsible for free this data. ###width Return contains width of the image. ###height Return contains pixel of the image. ###bytesPerPixel Return contains bytes per pixel of returned the pixel buffer. ###pType Your favourite pixel type as specified QH_PIXEL_TYPE when copying pixel buffer. ###Discussion pType is very important. Specifying QH_PIXEL_GRAYSCALE, pixel contains gray scale pixel buffer of the image. And then if the image is RGB or RGBA color scale, it is converted to gray scale automatically. The converting algorithm is based on YUV-RGB(Alpha components are filled with default value as 255). On the contrary, specifying QH_PIXEL_COLOR or QH_PIXEL_ANYCOLOR when the image is gray scale, automatically pixels' each components are filled with each gray scale value except alpha.

CGImageRef CGImageCreateWithPixelBuffer(
	unsigned char *pixel,
	int width,
	int height,
	int bytesPerPixel,
	QH_PIXEL_TYPE target_pType

###Parameters ###pixel The pointer of the pixel buffer to be used to make a new CGImage. ###width Width of the pixel buffer. ###height Height of the pixel buffer. ###bytesPerPixel Bytes per pixel of the pixel buffer. ###target_pType Pixel type of the image to be created with above parameters. Specified QH_PIXEL_TYPE. ###Return value A new Quartz bitmap image. You are responsible for releasing this object by calling CGImageRelease. ###Discussion Upconverting or downconverting is to be done according to your spceifying bytesPerPixel and target_pType, like CGCreatePixelBufferWithImage. I doubt that CGImage supports the image whose format is 24 bit per pixel. So, CGImage this method returns is 8bit or 32bit bitmap.

NSData* CGImageGetPNGPresentation(
	CGImageRef imageRef

###Parameters ###imageRef The image to be converted to PNG data. ###Return value An autoreleased NSData object containing the PNG data, or nil if there was a problem generating the data. ###Discussion To be written.

NSData* CGImageGetJPEGPresentation(
	CGImageRef imageRef

###Parameters ###imageRef The image to be converted to JPG data. ###Return value An autoreleased NSData object containing the JPG data, or nil if there was a problem generating the data. ###Discussion To be written.

CGImageRef CGImageCreateWithResizing(
	CGImageRef imageRef,
	float scale

###Parameters ###imageRef The image to be resized. ###scale The scale factor to used when "imageRef" is resized. ###Return value A new and rotated Quartz bitmap image. You are responsible for releasing this object by calling CGImageRelease. ###Discussion This function has not been tested yet. Be careful of using this function :-)


###In/Out pixel type

typedef enum {
	QH_PIXEL_COLOR =				1 << 0,
	QH_PIXEL_ANYCOLOR =				1 << 1,

###QH_PIXEL_GRAYSCALE Gray scale pixel for the output/input image. Typically, bits per pixel is 8bits.

###QH_PIXEL_COLOR RGB color scale pixel for the output/input image. Typically, bits per pixel is 24bits.

###QH_PIXEL_ANYCOLOR The appropriate color scale pixel for the output/input image. I believe that it does suit to output/input image format....

###Bytes per pixel type

typedef enum {

###QH_BYTES_PER_PIXEL_UNKNOWN Typically, error.

###QH_BYTES_PER_PIXEL_8BIT Bytes per pixel is 1. In short, bits per pixel is 8 bit. Typically, index color or gray color image.

###QH_BYTES_PER_PIXEL_16BIT Bytes per pixel is 2. In short, bits per pixel is 16 bit. Typically, index color or gray color image with alpha component.

###QH_BYTES_PER_PIXEL_24BIT Bytes per pixel is 3. In short, bits per pixel is 24 bit. Typically, RGB color image.

###QH_BYTES_PER_PIXEL_32BIT Bytes per pixel is 4. In short, bits per pixel is 32 bit. Typically, RGB color image with alpha component.



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