
A curated list of fraud detection papers using graph information or graph neural networks

Graph-based Fraud Detection Papers and Resources

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A curated list of fraud detection papers using graph information or graph neural networks

GNN Papers


Year Title Venue Paper Code
2021 Few-shot Network Anomaly Detection via Cross-network Meta-learning WWW 2021 Link Link
2021 Towards Consumer Loan Fraud Detection: Graph Neural Networks with Role-Constrained Conditional Random Field AAAI 2021 Link Link


Year Title Venue Paper Code
2020 Suspicious Massive Registration Detection via Dynamic Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks AAAI 2021 Workshop Link Link
2020 APAN: Asynchronous Propagation Attention Network for Real-time Temporal Graph Embedding arXiv Link Link
2020 Metagraph Aggregated Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network for Illicit Traded Product Identification in Underground Market ICDM 2020 Link Link
2020 Adversarial Active Learning based Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network for Fake News Detection ICDM 2020 Link Link
2020 Heterogeneous Mini-Graph Neural Network and Its Application to Fraud Invitation Detection ICDM 2020 Link Link
2020 xFraud: Explainable Fraud Transaction Detection on Heterogeneous Graphs arXiv Link Link
2020 BotSpot: A Hybrid Learning Framework to Uncover Bot Install Fraud in Mobile Advertising CIKM 2020 Link Link
2020 Early Anomaly Detection by Learning and Forecasting Behavior arXiv Link Link
2020 ResGCN: Attention-based Deep Residual Modeling for Anomaly Detection on Attributed Networks arXiv Link Link
2020 Multivariate Time-series Anomaly Detection via Graph Attention Network ICDM 2020 Link Link
2020 GFD: A Weighted Heterogeneous Graph Embedding Based Approach for Fraud Detection in Mobile Advertising Security and Communication Networks Link Link
2020 Enhancing Graph Neural Network-based Fraud Detectors against Camouflaged Fraudsters CIKM 2020 Link Link
2020 Graph-based Modeling of Online Communities for Fake News Detection arXiv Link Link
2020 FANG: Leveraging Social Context for Fake News Detection Using Graph Representation CIKM 2020 Link Link
2020 Loan Default Analysis with Multiplex Graph Learning CIKM 2020 Link Link
2020 Error-Bounded Graph Anomaly Loss for GNNs CIKM 2020 Link Link
2020 GCNEXT: graph convolutional network with expanded balance theory for fraudulent user detection Social Network Analysis and Mining Link Link
2020 FauxWard: a graph neural network approach to fauxtography detection using social media comments Social Network Analysis and Mining Link Link
2020 A Scalable Framework for Group Fraud Detection in Transaction using Deep Graph Neural Network MLF@KDD 2020 Link Link
2020 Early Fraud Detection with Augmented Graph Learning DLG@KDD 2020 Link Link
2020 TIES: Temporal Interaction Embeddings For Enhancing Social Media Integrity At Facebook KDD 2020 Link Link
2020 DETERRENT: Knowledge Guided Graph Attention Network for Detecting Healthcare Misinformation KDD 2020 Link Link
2020 Alleviating the Inconsistency Problem of Applying Graph Neural Network to Fraud Detection SIGIR 2020 Link Link
2020 GCAN: Graph-aware Co-Attention Networks for Explainable Fake News Detection on Social Media ACL 2020 Link Link
2020 Camouflaged Chinese Spam Content Detection with Semi-supervised Generative Active Learning ACL 2020 Link Link
2020 DFraud3-Multi-Component Fraud Detection free of Cold-start arXiv Link Link
2020 Financial Risk Analysis for SMEs with Graph-based Supply Chain Mining IJCAI 2020 Link Link
2020 Rumor Detection on Social Media with Graph Structured Adversarial Learning IJCAI 2020 Link Link
2020 GCN-Based User Representation Learning for Unifying Robust Recommendation and Fraudster Detection SIGIR 2020 Link Link
2020 ASA: Adversary Situation Awareness via Heterogeneous Graph Convolutional Networks WWW 2020 Workshop Link Link
2020 Graph Convolutional Networks with Markov Random Field Reasoning for Social Spammer Detection AAAI 2020 Link Link
2020 Rumor Detection on Social Media with Bi-Directional Graph Convolutional Networks AAAI 2020 Link Link

Before 2019

Year Title Venue Paper Code
2019 A Semi-supervised Graph Attentive Network for Fraud Detection ICDM 2019 Link Link
2019 Detect Camouflaged Spam Content via StoneSkipping: Graph and Text Joint Embedding for Chinese Character Variation Representation EMNLP 2019 Link Link
2019 Key Player Identification in Underground Forums over Attributed Heterogeneous Information Network Embedding Framework CIKM 2019 Link Link
2019 Spam Review Detection with Graph Convolutional Networks CIKM 2019 Link Link
2019 Anti-Money Laundering in Bitcoin: Experimenting with Graph Convolutional Networks for Financial Forensics KDD 2019 Workshop Link Link
2019 Uncovering Insurance Fraud Conspiracy with Network Learning SIGIR 2019 Link Link
2019 FdGars: Fraudster Detection via Graph Convolutional Networks in Online App Review System WWW 2019 Workshop Link Link
2019 GeniePath: Graph Neural Networks with Adaptive Receptive Paths AAAI 2019 Link Link
2018 Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks for Malicious Account Detection CIKM 2018 Link Link
2018 GraphRAD: A Graph-based Risky Account Detection System MLG 2018 Link Link

Non-GNN Papers since 2014

Year Title Venue Paper Code
2020 Network Inference from a Mixture of Diffusion Models for Fake News Mitigation ICWSM 2021 Link Link
2020 Uncovering Coordinated Networks on Social Media ICWSM 2021 Link Link
2020 AUTOAUDIT: Mining Accounting and Time-Evolving Graphs IEEE BigData 2020 Link Link
2020 SpecGreedy: Unified Dense Subgraph Detection ECML-PKDD 2020 Link Link
2020 Real-Time Streaming Anomaly Detection in Dynamic Graphs arXiv Link Link
2020 Robust Spammer Detection by Nash Reinforcement Learning KDD 2020 Link Link
2020 KNH: Multi-View Modeling with K-Nearest Hyperplanes Graph for Misinformation Detection TrueFact@KDD 2020 Link Link
2020 Collaboration Based Multi-Label Propagation for Fraud Detection IJCAI 2020 Link Link
2020 Hierarchical Propagation Networks for Fake News Detection: Investigation and Exploitation ICWSM 2020 Link Link
2020 Friend or Faux: Graph-Based Early Detection of Fake Accounts on Social Networks WWW 2020 Link Link
2020 Financial Defaulter Detection on Online Credit Payment via Multi-view Attributed Heterogeneous Information Network WWW 2020 Link Link
2020 MIDAS: Microcluster-Based Detector of Anomalies in Edge Streams AAAI 2020 Link Link
2020 EnsemFDet: An Ensemble Approach to Fraud Detection based on Bipartite Graph arXiv Link Link
2020 FlowScope: Spotting Money Laundering Based on Graphs AAAI 2020 Link Link
2019 SliceNDice: Mining Suspicious Multi-attribute Entity Groups with Multi-view Graphs DSAA 2019 Link Link
2019 TitAnt: Online Real-time Transaction Fraud Detection in Ant Financial VLDB 2019 Link Link
2019 Spotting Collective Behaviour of Online Frauds in Customer Reviews IJCAI 2019 Link Link
2019 Cash-Out User Detection Based on Attributed Heterogeneous Information Network with a Hierarchical Attention Mechanism AAAI 2019 Link Link
2018 Deep Structure Learning for Fraud Detection ICDM 2018 Link Link
2018 FeatNet: Large-scale Fraud Device Detection by Network Representation Learning with Rich Features AiSec 2018 Link Link
2018 HGsuspector: Scalable Collective Fraud Detection in Heterogeneous Graphs KDD 2018 Workshop Link Link
2018 Online E-Commerce Fraud: A Large-scale Detection and Analysis ICDE 2018 Link Link
2018 Combating Crowdsourced Review Manipulators: A Neighborhood-Based Approach WSDM 2018 Link Link
2018 REV2: Fraudulent User Prediction in Rating Platforms WSDM 2018 Link Link
2017 ZooBP: Belief Propagation for Heterogeneous Networks VLDB 2017 Link Link
2017 HitFraud: A Broad Learning Approach for Collective Fraud Detection in Heterogeneous Information Networks ICDM 2017 Link Link
2017 GANG: Detecting Fraudulent Users in Online Social Networks via Guilt-by-Association on Directed Graph ICDM 2017 Link Link
2017 The Many Faces of Link Fraud ICDM 2017 Link Link
2017 HoloScope: Topology-and-Spike Aware Fraud Detection CIKM 2017 Link Link
2017 iBGP: A Bipartite Graph Propagation Approach for Mobile Advertising Fraud Detection Mobile Information Systems 2017 Link Link
2016 FRAUDAR: Bounding Graph Fraud in the Face of Camouflage KDD 2016 Link Link
2015 Collective Opinion Spam Detection: Bridging Review Networks and Metadata KDD 2015 Link Link
2014 Spotting Suspicious Link Behavior with fBox: An Adversarial Perspective ICDM 2014 Link Link

Useful Resources

DGFraud: A Deep Graph-based Toolbox for Fraud Detection

UGFraud: An Unsupervised Graph-based Toolbox for Fraud Detection

Awesome Fraud Detection Research Papers

Outlier Detection DataSets (ODDS)

Graph Fraud Datasets from Prof. Srijan Kumar

Bitcoin Fraudulent Transaction Dataset

Mobile App Install Fraud Dataset

Graph Adversarial Learning Literature

Survey Papers

Graph based anomaly detection and description: a survey

Adversarial Attack and Defense on Graph Data: A Survey

Suspicious behavior detection: Current trends and future directions

False information on web and social media: A survey

Misinformation in Social Media: Definition, Manipulation, and Detection

Mining Disinformation and Fake News: Concepts, Methods, and Recent Advancements