
Following functionalities to be supported:

  • Show any selected month’s calendar
  • Show current month’s calendar
  • Show holidays for selected holiday types eg. Indian holidays, US holidays, Company holidays

Bonus (personal events):

  • Support adding personal events to the calendar
  • View these events on the calendar

Currently I have implemented 4 endpoints for the api

  1. GET /calendar/{month}/{year}

    Gets an array of days with events alongside from 2 countries US, IN

    Example - http://localhost:8080/calendar/4/2022

    Response - response

  2. GET /calendar/{country}/{month}/{year}

    Gets an array of days in month with specified country

    Example - http://localhost:8080/calendar/11/2022

    Response - response

  3. GET /calendar/current

    Gets an array of days in current month with current month from 2 countries US,IN

    Example - http://localhost:8080/calendar/current

    Response - response

  4. GET /calendar/{country}/current

    Gets an array of days in current month with specified country

    Example - http://localhost:8080/calendar/IN/current

    Response - response