
A Node.js backend system with API endpoints for user registration, token generation, and data management

Primary LanguageJavaScript

==> User Registration API

--> A Node.js backend system with API endpoints for user registration, token generation, and data management

==> Introduction

--> The User Registration API is a backend system that provides a set of API endpoints for user registration. token generation, and data management. It allows users to register, generate access tokens, and store, retrieve, update, and delete key-value data.

==> Technologies Used

  • Node Js
  • Express Js
  • MongoDB (Database)
  • Mongoose (Connecting Database)
  • Bcrypt (Password hashing)
  • Jsonwebtoken (Generate a token)
  • Dotenv (Hide the secret data like MONGO_URL, SECRET_KEY, etc)

==> Getting Started

(A) Environment Setup

  1. Clone the repository: --> git clone https://github.com/sonuprasad66/DPDzero.git

    --> cd DPDzero

  2. Install dependencies: --> npm install

  3. Set up MongoDB: --> Make sure you have MongoDB installed and running locally.

(B) Program run setup

  1. Create a .env file in the root directory with your MongoDB connection URL:

    --> MONGO_URL="mongodb+srv://:@cluster0.y60kxun.mongodb.net/DPDzero?retryWrites=true&w=majority"

    --> SECRET_KEY="DPDzero"

    --> PORT="8080"

  2. Add a start script to the package.json

  3. Start the server: --> npm start

  4. The API server will start on http://localhost:8080.

==> API Documentation

--> The API provides the following endpoints:

--> For the authentication pass the Bearer token from the headers.

  • POST /api/register: Register a new user.

    --> Pass user registration data from the body

    Example:- { "username": "example_user", "email": "user@example.com", "password": "secure_password123", "full_name": "John Doe", "age": 30, "gender": "male" }

  • POST /api/token: Generate an access token.

    --> Pass user credentials data from the body.

    Example:- { "username": "example_user", "password": "secure_password123", }

  • POST /api/data: Store data (requires authentication).

    --> Pass data from the body.

    Example:- { "key": "unique_key", "value": "data_value" }

  • GET /api/data/:key : Retrieve data (requires authentication).

    --> Pass data key from the params.

  • PUT /api/data/:key : Update data (requires authentication).

    --> Pass data key from the params.

    --> Pass data values from the body

  • DELETE /api/data/:key : Delete data (requires authentication).

    --> Pass data key from the params.

==> Contributing

--> Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to create a pull request or submit an issue.