Primary LanguageJava

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Our project is on the topic of gamifying the process of progress check of roads being constructed and their maintenance after the construction is over. This will be very beneficial to the Government of India which wishes to save time, money and effort in this. Our idea is very simple. Our checks are based on the concept of claim and objection. We would crowdsource this information with the help of an app. Just for clarity, our approach cannot fully replace manual checkups due to a possibility of lack of knowledge in most of the citizens regarding the right materials or equipment used for road construction but is still quite reliable.

Cons in manual checkups -

  1. Corruption
  2. Time wastage
  3. Funds wastage for the paying the government workers

Pros in manual checkups -

  1. Government officers have better knowledge about the right equipment, materials, etc.
  2. Reliable if corruption free.

Cons in our approach -

  1. Cannot rely fully on the knowledge of the common man in the right equipment, materials used for road construction. Might still need volunteers having good knowledge in road construction (a feature that could be installed in the app in the future to educate more people in this and also appoint volunteers who have good knowledge).

Pros in our approach -

  1. No scope of corruption
  2. No time wastage of the Government
  3. No monetary funds required
  4. Makes the citizens more informed and responsible

Our approach - The entire process can be divided into 3 parts -

  1. Before the contract is final.
  2. After the contract is final and before the road is fully constructed.
  3. After the road is constructed.