The 1 and only repo, that teach you to put macOS to any hardware (even no QE/CI needed), hence using Xcdoe to make valuable iPhone application, without waste money!!!
The answer to hackinsoth question is not YES/NO ones, but they are HOW WOULD IT BE!!!!
Hackintosh Feasiblity Check
Hackintosh Feasibility Check is in preliminary development stage,
therefore not all detail are included and known hardware list is limited.
You are encouraged to report your hardware info to VirgoSun.
If your hardware is not on the app's list, please contact VirogSun
The assessment is based on Dortania Guide and community experiences.
Thanks for using Hackintosh Feasibility Check!
For over all probability and difficulty, contact VirgoSun +84-387554874
Example Rig report:
The report's outcomes:
The Rig is used to run Xcode and Develop a commercially successful iPhone app: