
An AirBnB clone, that allows users to book hotels and lodges around the world featured on BTS' Bon Voyage mini-series.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome to Air Bon Voyage

by Sylvia Onwuana

AirBonVoyage is an AirBnB clone, that allows users to book hotels and lodges around the world featured on BTS' Bon Voyage mini series.

Table of Contents

Login Page:

Screen Shot 2021-07-22 at 4 34 46 PM

Built With

The project was built utilizing the following technologies:

Getting Started

To get a copy of this project up and running locally, please follow these simple steps.


  1. Clone the repo
    git clone https://github.com/sonwuana1/air-bon-voyage.git
  2. Install NPM packages
    npm install
  3. In the backend folder, create a .env file that will be used to define your environment variables. Populate the .env file based on the example below:
    DB_PASSWORD=«auth_app user password»
  4. Create a user using the same credentials in the .env file with the ability to create databases:
    psql -c "CREATE USER <username> PASSWORD '<password>' CREATEDB"
  5. Create the database using sequelize-cli:
    npx dotenv sequelize db:create
  6. Migrate all tables by running the following command:
    npx dotenv sequelize db:migrate
  7. Migrate all seed files by running the following command:
    npx dotenv sequelize db:seed:all
  8. Command to undo migrations and seeders:
    npx dotenv sequelize db:migrate:undo
    npx dotenv sequelize db:seed:undo
  9. Get a free Google Maps API Key at console.cloud.google.com
  10. Store your API key in your frontend .env file


Aside from creating and viewing bookings, users can also create reviews for spots (as well as edit and delete them) and view reviews from other users.

Splash Page:

Screen Shot 2021-07-22 at 4 35 37 PM

Google Maps:

AirBonVoyage utilizes the Google Maps Api to render live-syncing maps tailored to each location, creating a robust tool to allow users to preview locations and interact with their surrounding areas.

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Sylvia Onwuana - LinkedIn - sonwuana1@gmail.com

Project Link: https://github.com/sonwuana1/air-bon-voyage


  • BTS for being my constant inspiration to follow my dreams 💜
  • Font Awesome