- 1
Compiler errors after recent commit
#417 opened by tljdebrouwer - 2
Sandbox not building with USE_ADD_SUBDIRECTORY
#416 opened by tljdebrouwer - 3
MacOS/Cmake Supplied-JWT Linker Error
#414 opened by christopherbaine - 1
cpprestsdk is in maintenance mode
#408 opened by lenard-mosys - 1
A Registration service discovery issue
#407 opened by ganfm - 1
Use a reverse-proxy with nmos-cpp-node
#391 opened by joaofigueiredobisect - 2
- 3
Stack overflow on the erase_resource of a resource joined with it's sub-resources
#403 opened by mgirard1mtx - 1
- 1
Conan version
#399 opened by garethsb - 1
dbus-daemon leaking memory
#397 opened by Ansul501 - 1
- 0
Memory Leak in cpprest library.
#395 opened by Ansul501 - 2
build fails with compilation error: error: ‘class web::websockets::client::websocket_client_config’ has no member named ‘set_ssl_context_callback’
#392 opened by gururajsb13 - 1
Cross compiling cpprestsdk for the Raspberry Pi
#390 opened by pwrandall - 5
Acknowledgment handling in the NMOS-CPP library
#389 opened by gururajsb13 - 0
Remove direct dependency on zlib?
#385 opened by garethsb - 5
- 1
Request for adding some simple ways of getting binary releases for nmos-cpp-registry and nmos-cpp-node.
#283 opened by cristian-recoseanu - 5
cant reach the webisite for the Node API
#381 opened by ibramatar07 - 2
Check usage of jwt-cpp in Conan and CMake
#369 opened by jonathan-r-thorpe - 2
GitHub Actions update warnings
#284 opened by garethsb - 1
- 3
- 0
Provide an HTTP Host header from DNS-SD name resolution for Registration API and System API discovery
#357 opened by garethsb - 3
- 14
Quick restart of the NMOS Registry - can produce "asio listen error: system:98 (Address already in use)"
#348 opened by macphersonjamie - 1
- 1
After setting media parameters to senders and flows how to activate the sender?
#360 opened by gsbnmos - 9
- 5
- 5
Can't discover registry
#358 opened by acresp - 7
The registry is slow to respond when handling a large number of registration requests.
#356 opened by VenkateswaranJ - 6
nmos::details::get_format() and nmos::details::get_format_parameters() now reject -31 SDPs
#353 opened by duncwebb - 8
Windows Build
#322 opened by emanueledimauro - 1
Add a VS2022 runner
#281 opened by cristian-recoseanu - 2
- 2
Admin GUI - 404 Route not found
#342 opened by SergejZuyevZE - 10
Avahi issue
#323 opened by JamieLuo - 0
[Enhancement] Negative logging categories
#338 opened by garethsb - 0
Add build/compile-time options for some APIs?
#332 opened by garethsb - 3
IS-08 - device channel mapping API endpoint
#318 opened by tljdebrouwer - 2
- 0
Reader/writer model locking
#315 opened by garethsb - 1
Adding some quick ways of spinning up sources and flows with parents.
#312 opened by cristian-recoseanu - 1
json-schema-validator bump?
#303 opened by garethsb - 0
Build conan package in GitHub Actions?
#304 opened by garethsb - 2
Dependency bumps
#290 opened by garethsb - 1
CMake Error when using nmos-cpp conan package on Ubuntu 20.04
#298 opened by will-leathers-smith-sony - 1
GitHub Actions fails on master
#287 opened by garethsb