
###0.0.2 Functions: 1. log user information 2. add local storage about click times

###0.0.1 Functions: 1. news list and details 2. slide image click and edit


create database mhw default charset = 'utf8';

CREATE USER mhw_admin IDENTIFIED BY 'mhw_admin_1803';

grant all on . to 'mhw_admin'@'localhost' identified by 'mhw_admin_1803'

drop table articles; create table articles( id bigint(20) unsigned primary key NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '主键',

gmt_create datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '创建时间', gmt_modified datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '修改时间',

title varchar(256) not null comment '标题', content longtext not null comment 'content', source varchar(256) not null comment 'source', source_type varchar(45) not null default 'news', image varchar(256) );

alter table articles add index source_type(source_type);

insert into articles(gmt_create, gmt_modified, title, content, source, source_type) values(now(), now(), '索尼推《怪物猎人世界》限定版联动周边 又来骗钱?', '《怪物猎人世界(Monster Hunter World)》将于2018年1月26日发售,登陆PS4平台。为了配合该游戏的推出,SONY将与CAPCOM合作推出一系列《怪物猎人世界》周边,包含音乐播放器、头戴式蓝牙耳机、便携蓝牙音箱等', 'NGA', 'news');

select * from articles \G

create table weixin_users( id bigint(20) unsigned primary key NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '主键',

gmt_create datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '创建时间', gmt_modified datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '修改时间',

tokens varchar(128) not null comment 'token', head_img varchar(256) not null comment 'head imgs', name varchar(128) not null comment 'name', gender int default 2 comment '0: girl, 1: man, 2: unknown', vip_date datetime not null default now() );

alter table weixin_users add index tokens(tokens);