Contact App with Charts and Maps
This is a contact app built using ReactJS, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, React Router v6, and Redux. The app includes a dashboard with charts and maps that display COVID-19 data for different countries.
Pages and Functionality
This app has two main pages:
This page allows us to manage our contacts. We can add a new contact by filling out the form, and the contact will be added to the list. We can also edit or delete an existing contact. Clicking on a contact's name will take us to the contact details page.
Charts and Maps
This page displays COVID-19 data for different countries. It includes a line graph showing the cases fluctuations over time and a map with markers that indicate the country name, total number of active, recovered cases, and deaths in that particular country as a popup.
APIs Used
The app uses the following APIs to fetch data:
World wide data of cases: Country Specific data of cases: Graph data for cases with date:
#Technologies Used The following technologies are used to build the app:
ReactJS TypeScript TailwindCSS React Router v6 React Query Redux
Deployed Link : -