LiveConfig Let's Encrypt Cert for Backend System
This script takes from a vhost / domain the LE Cert an create the SSL Cert for the LiveConfig backend. In addition, it implements the SSL configuration for the MySQL server and harding the cipherlist.
To install the script, do following command:
wget && chmod 700
Then update the two main variables:
- LC_DOMAIN ==> the domain for liveconifg ==>
- LC_VHOSTS_PATH ==> the path to the vhost config for the LC_DOMAIN
If you don't want to use the cipherlist for MySQL remove this line (98)
To run the script, do
You can run the script with following parameter:
./ --no-mysql / -nm => run without the mysql setup
./ --cron /-c => run at cron modus / check if there is a new cert then update
The last command shows the status from liveconfig. If there is an error, run this command to set all back to default:
rm /etc/liveconfig/sslcert.pem && service liveconfig restart
At this time, the easiest way is to do this every every 4th hour. Do as root
crontab -e
add this line:
*/5 * * * * /bin/bash /path/to/file/ --cron
- MySQL SSL Setup
- Call arguments
- --cron / -c
- --no-mysql / -nm
- --vhost-file=/etc/apache2/sites-available/example.conf
- Support
- nginx
- OS: RHEL/Fedora/CentOS