Seamless email client compatible with Gmail
- Bryant Huang
- Jennifer Wang
- Kirk Rohani
- Soo Park
- Andrea Miralles
View the project roadmap here
See for contribution guidelines.
Click this link and login with your Gmail acount to get started!
- Node 6.9.x
- Postgresql 9.6.x
- Redis
- Knex
- Semantic UI React
- Bookshelf ORM
- React
- Redux
- React Router
- Nylas Emal API
- Nylas Authentication
- Amazon Web Services
brew install yarn
brew install postgresql
We chose to use Yarn as a replacement for npm. It's faster and guarantees consistency -- as we deploy in various environments, we don't run the risk of slight variations in what gets installed.
yarn global add grunt-cli knex eslint
IMPORTANT: ensure postgres
is running before performing these steps.
Use grunt to create a new database for development and test environments:
Development envronment: grunt pgcreatedb:default
In terminal, from the root directory:
To migrate to the latest version, run:
yarn migrate
To rollback a version, run:
yarn rollback
To populate the database with seed data, run:
yarn seed
Note: scripts are set up in package.json for these knex commands.
To run webpack build: yarn build
To run server: yarn start
To run tests: yarn test
To run your redis server for the session store redis-server