
LiteRoom (our version of Adobe’s Lightroom) is an image editing program that’s useful for color correction and color grading. Within the program there will be sliders that can be used to adjust certain aspects of the image, as well as a graph representing data from the image.

See our design document for more information.


Daniel Sooknanan & Jonathan Wu

Development Log

Daniel - Created all the Slider subclasses necessary for proof of concept and made sure they generally work.

Jonathan - Created a Navigator class as well as two buttons necessary for loading and saving images. I also worked on resizing an image if it was larger than the editor in our program. I also made it allow to process one image at a time an infinite amount of time.

Jonathan - Enhanced the load and saving buttons by adding error messages when the user performs an invalid action. Also centered the image when loading the image.

Daniel - Added HSL to RGB conversions for sliders & added label option to WindowObjects. Fixed merge conflicts between jBranch & dBranch and updated demo & main branches.


Daniel - Optimized draw() a lot, increasing the fps from roughly 9fps to minimum of 24fps for large (4000 x 2000) images. Added a update interval which only calls draw() every specified number of frames. Added better visuals to siders to more effectively convey their function.

Jonathan - Started working the "zoom" partion of the navigator class.


Jonathan - Got the image to display in the "zoom" box. Start working on the part that zooms in on the specific part of the image.

Daniel - Added lightness, saturation, & sharpness sliders. Updated WindowObject & slider organization.


Daniel - Added hue slider to adjust hues of selected colors.


Jonathan - Improved zoom box thing and making sure it runs. Still kind of a work in progress...


Daniel - Added HSBContainer and fixed bug where clearing the image didn't work and caused only some pixels to be adjusted in the next image selected to be edited.

Jonathan - Continued working on zoom box thing...


Daniel - Added HSSlider & HSB Slider to adjust the saturation & brightness of a range of hues specified in HSBContainer.

Jonathan - Added conditional for checking image size to fix(?) a weird bug on loading image.


Jonathan - Fixed and improved the zoom box feature, should work properly now. Created the histogram to show the darkness and lightness value of every pixel in the picture.

Daniel - Added vignette sliders to add vignettes of varying brightness & roundness to the image.


Daniel - Added constrast slider.

Jonathan - Scrapped the ideas for different aspect ratios and clipping in histogram.


Daniel - Added vibrance slider. Scrapped radial filter & graduated filter ideas.


Daniel - Added slider reset option. Fixed bugs where clicking the slider didn't update its adjustment correctly, and the preview wouldn't properly reflect changes made to the slider.

Jonathan - Fixed implementation of histogram to be more accurate and better. I also made the RGB channels for the histogram.