
A comprehensive to-do board application built with modern web technologies.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Soom Todo

OpenAI, Beautiful DND 을 이용해 Next.js 13 App Router 로 구현한 TODO 앱

A comprehensive to-do board application built with modern web technologies.

About The Project

1. API Endpoints:

  • generateSummary/route.ts: Handles the route for generating summaries.

2. Styling:

  • globals.css: Contains global styles for the application.

3. Layout & Pages:

  • layout.tsx: Defines the main layout structure of the application.
  • page.tsx: Represents the main page component.

4. Components:

  • Board.tsx: Represents the main board where tasks are displayed.
  • Column.tsx: Represents individual columns on the board.
  • Footer.tsx: Component for the footer section.
  • Header.tsx: Component for the header section.
  • Modal.tsx: A generic modal component.
  • TaskTypeRadioGroup.tsx: A radio group component to select task types.
  • TodoCard.tsx: Represents individual to-do cards on the board.

5. Utility Libraries:

  • fetchSuggestion.ts: Fetches suggestions.
  • formatTodosForAI.ts: Formats to-do items for AI processing.
  • getTodosGroupedByColumn.ts: Groups to-do items by their respective columns.
  • getUrl.ts: Utility to get URLs.
  • uploadImage.ts: Handles image uploads.

6. State Management:

  • BoardStore.ts: Manages the state of the board.
  • ModalStore.ts: Manages the state of modals.

This project provides a structured way to manage and visualize tasks on a board, with various components and utilities to enhance the user experience. The application is modular, with clear separation of concerns, making it scalable and maintainable.

Project Tree

📦 soom-todo-board
├─ app
│  ├─ api
│  │  └─ generateSummary
│  │     └─ route.ts
│  ├─ favicon.ico
│  ├─ globals.css
│  ├─ layout.tsx
│  └─ page.tsx
├─ appwrite.ts
├─ assets
│  └─ soom_todo_logo.png
├─ components
│  ├─ Board.tsx
│  ├─ Column.tsx
│  ├─ Footer.tsx
│  ├─ Header.tsx
│  ├─ Modal.tsx
│  ├─ TaskTypeRadioGroup.tsx
│  └─ TodoCard.tsx
├─ lib
│  ├─ fetchSuggestion.ts
│  ├─ formatTodosForAI.ts
│  ├─ getTodosGroupedByColumn.ts
│  ├─ getUrl.ts
│  └─ uploadImage.ts
├─ openai.ts
├─ store
│  ├─ BoardStore.ts
│  └─ ModalStore.ts
└─ typings.d.ts

Developed by SOOM