Sentence Generator


Sentence Generator is a program to predict following words after entered words.
Sentence Generator uses a language model trained with PTB dataset.
Deep Recursive Neural Network (with 2 LSTM Layers) is applied to implement the language model.

Although the generated sentences are not quite perfect
You will see it mimics the structure of sentences.


  • Python > 3.5
  • TensorFlow 1.4

Install all python packages required using pip

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Using Virtualenv is recommended.


To train the model, Penn Tree Bank(PTB) dataset is used.
Download 'ptb.train.txt' here and place in ./data.

Train Model

$ python --mode train

Generate Sentence

$ python --mode pretrained
Enter words(enter '!' to exit):

You can enter either a single word or multiple words.
In case you enter words out of the vocabulary, the program ends.

N is numbers.
<unk> is a tag indicating unknown words.
(They were already preprocessed in the PTB dataset)

Generate Sentence using Pretrained Model

If you want to use the sentence generator without training the model,
Use '--model pretrained' option.
(You need to download './pretrained')

$ python --mode generate --model pretrained

