Dashboard & Hornet Environment

This repository holds the generic configuration for Hornet, Prometheus and Grafana configuration that has been developed for the Soonaverse. The Grafana dashboard is based on an initial dashboard created by Dr. Electron

The Dashboard is located at: https://github.com/soonaverse/dashboard-env/blob/main/assets/grafana/dashboards/dashboard.yaml

The Hornet Environment adds to the current Stardust Hornet environemt to add some configuration to the .env file to make administration easier and the transition from test to prod environemts more standard.

The node-exporter docker container has been added as a separate compose file to support dashboard panels that show CPU/Disk/Load and other node metrics. This can be disabled by editing the .env file and removing the dc-node-exporter.yml from the following line:


Prometheus metrics for Traefik have been enabled and added to the Prometheus.yml file.

Each optional INX plugin and prometheus and grafana can be enabled and disabled by adding them or removing them from the following line in the .env file:


The dc-hornet-api-loadbal.yml compose file enables buffering and ratelimiting for Traefik on the Hornet REST API. This allows network errors to retry and seems to be more robust for high loads than the generic Traefik configuration.

This environment is intendeed to be a template implementation for users to borrow ideas from. It is based on the current Stardust Hornet configuration which may change and updates to this repository may not be timely.