
Automation bot for applying jobs on LinkedIn.

Primary LanguagePython


LinkedIn Easy Apply Bot

Automate your job applications on LinkedIn with this Python bot that applies to job listings. The bot logs into your LinkedIn profile, performs a job search based on specified keywords and location, filters the results, and then proceeds to apply to each of these job listings automatically.

Video Demonstration of its working: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7114141205151580160/


  1. Easy setup with a configuration file (config.json)
  2. Automatic login to your LinkedIn profile
  3. Customizable search with keywords and location


  1. It only applies to "Easy Apply" jobs not every single one.
  2. There might be a bot checker when logging in, so you have to manually do the "are you a human test" :)



  1. Your resume should be saved in your linkedin account.
  2. You should have applied to some of the jobs manually i.e. it would help bot to save your preferences about basic questions asked for the job and would not throw EXCEPTIONS.
  3. Make sure you have Python3 installed.
  4. Make sure you have Google Chrome installed.


  1. Clone the repository: git clone repo_url_or_ssh
  2. Open terminal and head to the cloned repository: cd repo_folder_path
  3. Install the required dependencies: pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  4. Fill in your LinkedIn login credentials and job search preferences in the config.json file.
  5. Run the main.py script in your terminal to start the bot.
  6. Sit back and relax while the bot applies to relevant job listings on your behalf.

Please note:

  1. Use this bot responsibly and follow LinkedIn's terms of service.
  2. The bot is designed for educational and personal use only and should not be used for commercial purposes or spamming.
  3. LinkedIn may change its website structure or policies, which could affect the bot's functionality. Use at your own risk.

ISSUES: If you face any issues regarding compatibility issues of choromedriver refer to this thread: ultrafunkamsterdam/undetected-chromedriver#1558

Contributions and feedback are welcome! Feel free to fork the project, make improvements, and submit pull requests.

Happy job hunting with LinkedIn Easy Apply Bot!

Made with Lazyness by SOOROUGH